Official and Countervailing Power

  • Period: 1500 to


    Monarch of France held monarchy over Quebec.
  • Period: 1559 to 1560

    Francis 2nd

  • Period: 1560 to 1574

    Charles 9th

  • Period: 1574 to

    Henry 3rd

  • Period: to

    Henry 4th

  • Period: to

    Louis 13th

  • Founding of Company of 100 Associates

    Beginning of monopoly over fur trade in New France, there were 100 investors.
  • Period: to

    Louis 14th

  • Royal Government

    Bishop, intendant and governor were established and population growth was put over fur trade.
  • Period: to

    Louis 15th

  • Period: to

    Constitutional Monarchy

    British rule + British monarchs.
  • Royal Proclamation

    Great Britain got French Territories in North American and French had no more land in North America.
  • Quebec Act

    The Quebec Act was framed largely by Governor Sir Guy Carleton, although not all of his policies were incorporated into it. It was an attempt to rectify some of the problems created by the ROYAL PROCLAMATION OF 1763, which dramatically reduced the size of NEW FRANCE, by creating an untouchable Aboriginal territory out of the vast western interior and promising an elected assembly. It gave the french civil laws, land and freedom of religion.
  • Constitutional Act

    Divided Canada into Upper and Lower Canada.
  • Rebellions of Upper and Lower Canada

    People in both Lower and Upper Canada instigated riots and rebellions against the government to protest a more accountable government.
  • Period: to


  • Durham Report

    Lord Durham went to Upper and Lower Canada to investigate the rebellions, but it ended up being a really biased report on how the french people were contaminating Canada.
  • Union Act

    In response to Durham’s report, the Government passed the Act of Union in 1840.United the two Canadas in a single assembly. Upper Canada became Canada West. Lower Canada became Canada East.
  • Responsible Government in Quebec

    Accountable government. The government is required to meet the demands of the people and if they are not doing the job properly, they can be voted out in the next election.
  • BNA Act

    Made Canada a country.
  • Period: to

    Edward 7th

  • Period: to

    George 5th

  • Statue of Westminster

    Canada gained full legal freedom and control over it's foreign affairs (no longer held by the British)
  • Period: to

    George 6th

  • Period: to

    Elizabeth 2nd

  • Period: to

    Quiet Revolution

    The Quiet Revolution was a period of intense socio-political and socio-cultural change in the Canadian province of Québec, characterized by the effective secularization of society, the creation of a welfare state, and realignment of liberal politics. Jean Lesage played a major role in these major changes, and he is known for detaching the church from education and health care.
  • FLQ Crisis

    Terrorists in Quebec terrorized the English population and businesses, as their major goal was to influence an independent french province.