Topic 10: Independence revolutions and Topic 11: South America independence

  • Independence the Ecuador

    First Call for Independence
  • Argentina, Paraguay & Uruguay

    Buenos Aires
    3 failed attempts Asunción
    Spontaneous Revolution set Paraguay free
  • Chile

    First Junta September 18th
    Royalist victory in Rancagua O' Higgins ran away to Mendoza Argentina O' Higgins & San Martín Army of the Andes
  • New Granada & Venezuela

    Bolívar, Piar, Páez and others reactivated the war.
    Bolivar faced and defeated Morillo in Calabozo.
  • Final victory Chile

    Royalist victory Cancha Rayada Battle of Maipú
  • Peru

    San Martín leaves Chile
    San Martín arrives to Lima
  • Final victory the Venezuela and Nueva Granada

    On that date formally through the document "Declaration of Independence", Venezuela and Nueva Granada separated from Spain.
  • Final victory the Ecuador

    on the slopes of the Pichincha volcano, more than 3000 meters above sea level, near the city of Quito
  • Board of Jose san Martin and Simon Bolivar

    Guayaquil July 26th & 27th, 1822
    Complete freedom of America
    Royalist in Perú
  • Final victory Peru

    Battle of Junin Battle of Ayacucho
  • Final victory Argentina, Paraguay & Uruguay

    Final victory Febrary 1st, 1820 Battle of Cepeda
    URUGUAY Final victory 1828