My future

  • Graduate Highschool

    Graduate Highschool
    I hopefully will get accepted to the REMS program through the university of rochester.
  • Buy my first car.

    Buy my first car.
    It will be a 2013 chevy malibu.
  • Move to Rochester

    Move to Rochester
    I plan on having my own apartment close to college so i won't have to waste too much gas. An apartment is around $700-$800 a month.
  • Graduate premed school

    Now on to medical school.
  • Get Married

    Get Married
    I don't really care what job he has, as long as he is able to pay half of the bills. We will have a joint account, because i think when you get married, you should share everything. He better be nice looking. We will live in my apartment close to college, because i will still have schooling to go through.
  • Buy our first house.

    Buy our first house.
    We will buy a house close to college because i still have a few years left before i graduate.
  • Graduate med school

    I will now begin my four years of residency. I'll be working with real patients, and do basic doctor things but i won't be able to perform procedures just yet.
  • Finish my four year residency; officially a doctor.

    Finish my four year residency; officially a doctor.
    I am now able to perform all jobs of an obgyn.
  • Get hired at Strong Memorial Hospital in the birthing center

    Get hired at Strong Memorial Hospital in the birthing center
    I will be delivering babies, performing c-sections, and taking care of women. I'll be starting at around $71,000 a year.
  • Get a dog

    Get a dog
    I will name him Tucker
  • Put in an in ground pool.

    Put in an in ground pool.
  • Go back to school

    Go back to school
    I will return to the University of Rochester to specialize in gynecology onocology.
  • Officially a gynecologist oncologist

    I will specialize now in cancer.
  • Retire from work

    Retire from work
    I will retire after working 30 years. I will be 61 years old.
  • Begin my bucket list

    I plan to go skydiving, swim with sharks, & travel around the world
  • Vacation to Bahamas

    Vacation to Bahamas
    Take our boat down to the bahamas for the winter to get away from the cold New York
  • RIP

    I was lost at sea with my husband, and we starved to death together. I will be 80 years old.