modern world canada

  • Confederation

  • Treaty of Washington

  • Naval Service Act

  • WW1 begins

  • Imperial War Conference

  • Treaty of Versailles

  • Staue Of Westminister

  • Peacekeeping Identity

  • Quebec Referendum

    Two referenda (1980 and 1995) which asked Quebeckers if they wanted to renogiate their part in Confederation
  • Constitution is signed

    This document replaced the British North America Act as the basic governing document of Canada in 1982.
  • Meech Lake Accord

    Attempt by the Federal government to ensure that Québec's failure would accept the patriation package in 1981.
  • Oka

    Oka was a small town in Quebec that was plagued by a lot of commotion,
    and a lot of tension over a decision that was not formally agreed upon.
    the town Oka wanted to expand and create a golf course, that would
    go into a Mohawk cemetary, and the Mohak people did not agree with this.
    this cause an uproar, tenson, and violence. nothing was really resolved,
    and the actual events are still a little unknown.
  • Charlottown Accord

    Following the failure of the Meech lake Accord, an attempt to once again to renegotiate Confederation both within and withour Quebec.

    North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is a pact that unites Canada, Mexico, and the United States in one of the world's largest free-trade zones. It builds on a free-trade agreement between the United States and Canada that became effective in 1989
  • Quebec Referndum

    Two referenda (1980 and 1995) which asked Quebeckers if they wanted to renogiate their part in Confederation