migration of john dau

  • war

    In 1983 the war started in Sudan , so John Dau is forced to leave his original country , Sudan .
  • killing

    In 1978 the government announced to kill all men from southern Sudan , in any age. They had to walk to Ethiopia , they spent 5 years to walk 1000 miles .
  • AIDS

    There is a organisation , AIDS ( Aquired Immuno Defeciency Sydrome ) decides to make a relief operation for the "Lost boys".
  • Finally release from scared

    In 1998 Some of the refugees or " lost boys " are informed that they can get a chance to go to different places to live , and John Dau has been chose to go to America .
  • Say bye to Kenya

    In 1999 , the lost boys are all good to go to america , all document are processed .
  • Start his life

    He move to Syracuse , New York , and he finally starts his life in united states !