Mexico's Independence

  • Grito De Dolores

    Grito De Dolores
    Father Hidalgo concluded that a revolt was necessary because of the injustice from Spanish rule. On September 16, Hidalgo called upon remaining locals and gathered an army of 600 or so men. This was known as the Grito De Dolores. (Pink)
  • Execution

    father Hidalgo was captured and executed. (Pink)
  • Spanish Pardon

    Spanish Pardon
    in 1815 most of the fighting for independence from Spain was done by small guerrilla bands. the Spanish army issued a general pardon to every rebel who would lay down his arms. (Pink)
  • Independence

    The Mexican Army was joined by rebel forces all over Mexico, and on August 24th, victory was certain. The treaty of Cordoba was signed, and Mexico had it's independence.(Pink)
  • First Mexican Empire

    On September 27th, the three Guarantees entered Mexico city. (Blue)
  • Celebration

    Mexico's Independence day is celebrated every September 16th with fireworks, dancing, and a reenactment of the Grito De Dolores.(Pink)