Mexican Rebelion/ Goverment

By Shu
  • Father Miguel Hidalgo

    Father Miguel Hidalgo
    Father Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla is known as the father of Mexican independence because he led the first revolt against Spanish rule in Mexico. Hidalgo, a priest from the village of Dolores near Guanajuato, ordered the arrest of the native Spaniards in Dolores on September 16, 1810. Hidalgo was later captured and, after he was excommunicated and degraded from the priesthood, was shot as a rebel on July 31 or August 1, 1811. He made a speech wich is now called the cry of dolores.
  • jose guti\errez de lara

    Jose was a mexican revolotionary and a diplomat. During the mexican war of independence jose and his brother fomented the revolution. Jose was later on sent by the rebels to soliced aid in the U.S. He left March 17, 1811
  • Marques de Rubi

    marques de rubi is the son of a lutenent general
  • augustus magee

    Magee planed an invasion of texas. Magee withdrew from the army june 22, 1812. The Gutiérrez-Magee or Magee-Gutiérrez expedition of 1812–13 was an early expedition against Spanish Texas. The expedition took place against the Mexicans against Spanish rule. In January 1811 a former militia captain named Juan Bautista de las Casas, inspired by the Diez y Seis revolt in Guanajuato, led an insurrectionist movement against the royalists in San Antonio.
  • Battle of madina

    Battle of madina
    The battle of Medina was fought on August 18, 1813, between the republican forces of the Gutiérrez-Magee expedition lead by Gen. The bloodiest battle ever. the battle took place twenty miles south of San Antonio in a sandy oak forest region then .called el encinal de Medina. was a revolt against spain
  • Jean Lafitte

    Jean Lafitte
    Frenchman named Loius d'Aury to occupy the island of Galveston .d'Aury was chosen the civil and military leader of Texas and Galveston was declared part of the Mexican Republic on Sept 12, 1816 .d'Aury had a small army of 12 to 15 ships and 500 men were given letters of Marque to raid Spanish shipping in the Gulf .d'Aury left with all of his ships , but falling out with him, returned to Galveston, where he was shocked to find Lafitte had sailed in and taken over.
  • Dr. James Long

    Dr. James Long
    He joined the us army to serve as a surgeon in the war of 1812 and after the battle of new orleans went to natchez, mississippi.
  • phillip nolan

  • merger of cohaila

    denied those who wantde land. unfair to the people. made from consitiontion.
  • Mexican consitioution of 1824

    Was made to be like the us constitution. But resembled more like the spanish constittion. the congress was the last to aprove it.
  • State Colonization law

    State Colonization law
    Mexico adopted a federal system. disosed of bad land. the federals controled it. made from consitution

    The state of Coahuila and the former Spanish province of Texas were combined as the state of Coahuila and Texas. More than two years was spent on the framing of a constitution, which was finally published on March 11, 1827.he constitution divided the state into three departments.The Catholic religion was made the state religion; citizens were guaranteed liberty, security, property, and equality; slavery was forbidden after promulgation of the constitution, and there could be no import of slaves