Lifetime Personal Health

  • 20th Birthday

    I will continue to exercise (probably jogging for cardio) regularly and maintain a healthy diet. Additionally, I will make sure to continue to get routine medical checkups (as many 20-year-olds often neglect the importance of this). It is wise to go to the gynecologist for the first time during this period in my life. There, I will get the routine chekups, which include mammograms and screening for certain cancers. Making sure I get enough sleep will be a priority.
  • 30th Birthday

    By this time, I would like to be well into or finishing up with medical school. I will prioritize getting enough sleep to meaintain energy throughout each day, I will try to get enough protien into my diet as well as leafy greens which are high in essential nutrients like Iron (which helps with learning, especially in females who are more often at a loss for it than males).
  • 40th Birthday

    At this time I hope to be well-situated in my career path. I continue to attend routine physical and dental checkups. Because I am not currently planning on having children, I will likely want to be conscious of estrogen intake in the years leading upto menopuse. To promote bone health, Calcium and Vitamin D (which facilitates calcium absorbtion) will be vital to my diet. I will continue exercising regularly to promote an active metabolism and healthy joints.
  • 50th Birthday

    By this time I will be thinking about (though not yet critically considering) retirement options. I will continue to exercise regularly and try to maintain the ability to do workouts of moderate intensity. If I can no longer comfotably exercise in such a way, though, I will, at the very least, go for frequent walks to support cardio health. At this point it is getting crucial for me to recieve daily vitmain requirements and eat cheifly whole foods.
  • 60th Birthday

    At age 60, many routine medical checkups are no longer necessary. However, beast cancer screenings are still crucial. Cholesterol and cognitive screenings are advisible at this age, too. While sleep is less of a priority for me in my 60's (as older people require much less sleep than young), I still want to maintain a healthy sleep schedule. I will try to fulfill my daily dietary requirements as fully as possible with just the foods I eat, but supplements will likely be necessary.