Life Timeline

  • Student Loans

    To have a good credit score, I will keep up with my loans and make sure I do not miss a payment.
  • School Payments

    I will make sure to use my money in the best ways possible and to save up the most money to pay for things in the future.
  • Get a Credit Card

    I will get a credit card to ensure that I start my credit score but only use it for necessary things like gas.
  • Get An Apartment

    I will use this to boost up my credit score and I will also make sure I am on date with all of my payments to ensure that it does not lower my credit score.
  • Pay Off Student Loans

    I will slowly pay off my student loans to ensure that I still have money and can afford every payment.
  • Getting Ready For A House

    I will save money to try to buy a house later in life. This will help my credit score later.
  • Buying a House

    I will buy a house with the money saved to make some payments. I will also make sure to stay up on my payments.
  • Having A Family

    I will be saving money for my children's schools so that I can be up to date on my payments when I get them. This will ensure I do not miss any payments.
  • Wedding

    I will make sure to have enough money saved so that I will not have to make high payments for my wedding
  • Sending Kids To School

    I will have saved enough money to make payments for schooling so that missed payments do not affect my credit score.
  • Buying A Car

    I will have saved up enough money to ensure that I will make my payments so I do not miss any payments. Also, I will lower my payments so I can afford them
  • Saving For Vacation

    I will save money so that I can send my family on vacation so I do not have to make any payments.