Latin American Revolutions

  • The start of the Haitian Revolution

    The start of the Haitian Revolution
    The revolution began and started with the enslaved Africans, they started to revolt against the French because of the french mistreating of the slaves and there rights.
    With there leader Toussaint L'ouverture and Jean- Jacques Dessalines Leading them to fight off the French
  • The end of the Haitian Revolution

    The end of the Haitian Revolution
    The revolution was a success and so Toussaint L'Ouverture and Jean-Jacques and the slaves gain there freedom from the French
  • The start of the South American Revolution

    The start of the South American Revolution
    The fight against Spain to free other lands from the non protected rights with there leader Simon Bolivar with Creoles revolting with him
  • The start of the Mexican Revolution

    The start of the Mexican Revolution
    When Hidalgo and Morelos rang the bell of the church and called down with the bad government that's when it all started the mexican Revolution, It was all against spain. The Mestizos Fought along side with the leaders of the revolution.
  • The end of the Mexican Revolution

    The end of the Mexican Revolution
    The Revolution was successful and for that Hidalgo and Morelos got a town named after them, and everyone has been freed.
  • The end of the South America Revolution

    The end of the South America Revolution
    After the fight against Spain, The battle was successful with multiple towns freed from the Spain's Rule