Latin American Revolutions

  • Start of the Haitian Revolution

    Start of the Haitian Revolution
    There were two main reasons why the Haitian Revolution. The first reason was because the white plantation owners used brutal methods on slaves. The second reason was because the French and American Revolutions inspired and created an opportunity for the event. The Haitian slaves led the American Revolution. Toussaint L'Ouverture and Jean - Jacques Dessalines were the leaders of the revolution.
  • End of the Haitian Revolution

    End of the Haitian Revolution
    The Haitians fought against the country of France. The revolution was successful because ended with Haiti being their own country. They were the first black colony to free itself from European control. This also resulted in ending slavery for the Haitians.
  • Start of the Mexican Revolution

    Start of the Mexican Revolution
    The Mexican Revolution started because the people of Mexico Padre Miguel Hidalgo wanted to end the rule of the Spanish in Mexico. It was also because indians and mestizos wanted more rights just like the Spaniards. The revolution was all about freedom for Mexico and more rights for mestizos and indians. The indians and mestizos led the revolution. The leaders of the Mexican Revolution were Miguel Hidalgo and Padre Jose Maria Morelos.
  • Start of the South American Revolution

    Start of the South American Revolution
    The revolution started because Venezuela wanted its independence from Spain. Argentina also wanted its independence. They wanted to liberate from Spain and unite the people of Latin America. The creoles led the revolution. The leaders of the South American Revolution were Simon Bolivar and Jose de San Martin.
  • End of the Mexican Revolution

    End of the Mexican Revolution
    This Revolution fought against the country of Spain. The Mexican Revolution was successful. Mexico got their independence from Spain. In doing so, they also got a new government.
  • Start of the Brazilian Revolution

    Start of the Brazilian Revolution
    The revolution started because France invaded Portugal. Prince John and the Royals escaped capture. The Portuguese government returned to Portugal and King John's son, Dom Pedro, stayed in Brazil. The creoles wanted Brazil to have independence, so they signed a petition to make Dom Pedro rule. The creoles led the Brazilian Revolution. The leaders were Prince John (King John VI) and Dom Pedro.
  • End of the Brazilian Revolution

    End of the Brazilian Revolution
    This revolution was fought against Portugal. The revolution was successful because Brazil gained their independence. Brazil finally got a good government withput anyone dying in a bloodless revolution.
  • End of the South American Revolution

    End of the South American Revolution
    The South American Revolution was successful. The Spanish colonies in Latin America finally won their independence. They also defeated the Spanish at the Battle of Ayacucho. The countries Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, Colombia, and Panama became independent.