Latin American Independent Movements-Theme 3

  • Failed Independence in Minas Grias

    On this date, the independence movement in Minas Grias, which is in Brazil, failed. This event represents a continuity because Brazil was not able to gain independence from Portugal.
  • Period: to

    Latin American Independence Movements

  • Independent Movement in Bahia, Brazil

    On this date, the independent movement in Bahia Brazil ended up failing. This event marks a continutity because Brazil continued to be ruled by Portugal.
  • Father Miguel de Hidalgo's call for independence

    Father Miguel de Hidalgo, a priest in Mexico, attempted to overthrow the Spanish government in Mexico with the help of American Indians and Mestizos. His failure represents a continutity because Mexico continued to be under Spanish rule.
  • Paraguay is Freed

    Paraguay was officialy independent from Spanish rule on this date. This event marks a "chnage" because Paraguay was no longer under Spanish rule.
  • The birth of "Rio de Plata"

    On this date, the "portenos" were united against Spanish rule and gained freedom. As a result, the nation of "Rio de Plata" was formed. This event marks a "change" in history because the area of "Rio de Plata" was no longer under Spanish rule.
  • The new nation "Gran Colombia"

    Under the general "Simon Bolivar", Venezuela, Ecuador, and Colombia gained freedom and came together to form rhe new country "Gran Colombia". Ths even marks a "change" in hsitory because Ecuador, Venzuela, and Colombia were no longer under Spanish rule.
  • Mexico's Independence

    On this date, Augustin de Iturbide was able to successfully occupy Mexico city. This event marks a "change" because Mexico was no longer part of the Spanish Empire.
  • Brazil is Freed

    On this date, Brazil seperates and forms its own monarchy under the ruler Pedro I. This event marks a "change" in history because Brazil was no longer under portugese rule.
  • Battle of Ayacucho

    This battle, led by Simon Bolivar, led to the independence of freedom and other Spanish colonies. This event marks a change in history because many nations were no longer under Spanish rule.
  • All of South America is Freed

    On this date, all of South America was officialy freedom from Spain and Portugal. This event marks a change in history because South America was officially independent.
  • Period: to


    Although some independence movements, were unsuccessful in Latin America, such as in Brazil and Argentina, most nations were able to achieve political freedom from Spain and Portugal between the years 1788 and 1825.