History Timeline Project

  • Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    Where: Sarajevo, Bosnia
    Who: 6 assassins killed the Archduke and his wife
    What: it ignited World War I, which we later entered
  • Stock Market Crash

    Stock Market Crash
    Where: worldwide
    Who: everybody
    What: was a cause for the Great Depression
  • Beginning of Fireside Chat

    Beginning of Fireside Chat
    When: 1933-1944
    Where: USA
    Who: Americans, Franklin D Roosevelt
    What: lead his nation through the Great Depression and World War II
  • fall of the Berlin Wall

    fall of the Berlin Wall
    Where: Germany
    Who: Germans
    What: unified the country and reestablished them as unified
  • my little brother was born

    my little brother was born
    Where: Norfolk VA
    Who: my family
    What: he’s my brother and a bit of an idiot but I love him :/
  • my family moved to Germany

    my family moved to Germany
    Where: Stuttgart, Germany
    Who: my parents, my brother, and I
    What: growing up there was important for my development + languages
  • Barack Obama elected

    Barack Obama elected
    Where: USA
    Who: Obama
    What: 1st black president, helping fix the economy
  • My family visited Egypt

    My family visited Egypt
    When: spring 2009
    Where: Luxor, Egypt
    Who: my whole family
    What: I was able to experience a culture other than American and German
  • Dad’s retirement

    Dad’s retirement
    Where: Stuttgart, Germany
    Who: my dad
    When: he retired from 30 years in the Navy as a Captain, and this meant that our family had to move back to Germany
    my nephew
  • my family moved back to America and I went to RMA

    my family moved back to America and I went to RMA
    Where: Front Royal VA
    Who: mostly me, also my family
    What: I experienced military school and I entered an abusive relationship
  • my nephew Anthony was born

    my nephew Anthony was born
    Where: Raleigh, North Carolina
    Who: my older brother and his girlfriend
    What: my first nephew was born, making me an aunt
  • Laverne Cox on 2015 Time 100 Most Influential People List

    Laverne Cox on 2015 Time 100 Most Influential People List
    Where: USA
    Who: trans and black people
    What: 1st openly trans person to be nominated for an Emmy, 1st to appear on cover of Time Magazine
  • I left RMA and switched to AHS

    I left RMA and switched to AHS
    Where: Charlottesville VA
    Who: me
    What: I escaped my abuser and was able to go to a school where I wasn’t afraid and could actually learn, I also met teachers who supported me throughout my junior year during a time when I was struggling, and I was able to meet my current datemate Jesse
  • joint b-day party

    joint b-day party
    Where: Charlottesvile, Virginia
    Who: my brother, my father, my grandmother, my aunt
    What: they all celebrated a huge joint birthday party
  • my cousin (finally) married his girlfriend Brenda

    my cousin (finally) married his girlfriend Brenda
    Where: Indiana
    Who: my cousin
    What: my cousin married his girlfriend Brenda of 5 years and I was one of her maids of honor
  • Murder of Michael Brown

    Murder of Michael Brown
    Where: Ferguson, Missouri
    Who: black people
    What: started the movement #BlackLivesMatter and the protests in Ferguson and across the country
  • Robin Williams killed himself

    Robin Williams killed himself
    Where: USA
    Who: everyone who watched his movies
    What: he committed suicide, raising awareness for depression
  • Gas Price Decrease

    Gas Price Decrease
    When: late 2014
    Where: USA
    Who: Americans
    What: caused by fracking, more oil fields
  • I started working at 10kV

    I started working at 10kV
    Where: Charlottesville VA
    Who: me
    What: it’s a volunteering experience and I discovered I liked retail work
  • Taylor Swift, Top Female Artist

    Taylor Swift, Top Female Artist
    When: 2006-present I think?
    Where: USA/worldwide
    Who: women everywhere
    What: incredibly famous international star, first to accomplish many things