history of sudan

  • North sudan islamics

    northen sudan was once the kingdom of Nubia which became under Egyptian rule around 2600 B.C. converting the religion christianity but muslim arabs soon toke over and turned christianity to lslamic.
  • Period: to

    British Colonization

    britian invades sudan for resorces, and land. explotation accures, one side privlaged one side not. north islamic is privlaged, south black christian is not treated equally. privlaged get schools, power. polictal parties are created north islamic is lead to the right path while the south black christian is told to stay the way they are.
    was under British-Egyptian control between 1899 and1956, until they finally got their independence
  • south black christians

    south black christians
    Black Africans moved south of sudan including the Dinka, Shilluk, Nuer, and Azande. around the 1500s.Christianity. Sudan was conqured by Egypt again around 1874. During the years of 1898 and 1955 dealing with egypt ruling,Anglo-Egyptian Sudan.
  • sudan becomes independent

    sudan becomes independent
    around 1953 Eygpt and Britian gave sudan self-governemt. gaining independence in january, 1956. After gaining independence sudan was ruled by unstable governments and military. http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0107996.html?pageno=2
  • Civil war begins

    Civil war begins
    two different idenities caused a war between government forces.
  • oil discovered in south sudan

    discorved in Bentiu around 1978, in southern Kurdufan and Upper Blue Nile around 1979
  • civil war breaks out again

    civil war breaks out again
    the SPLA, run by John Garang started another war. when the sudan governemnt revoked . http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0107996.html?pageno=2
  • SPLA

    The Sudan People's Liberation Army a rebel group that faught agaisnt the central government. Mostly coming from sourthern sudan, it was a movement for all citizens, fighting for a united sudan
  • Sudan begins to export oil.

    Sudan begins to export oil.
    first shipment of shipment of 600 thousand barrels of crude to Singapore.since the 1970s they have wanted to devolop their own
    oil industry. knowing that there could be a chance oil export could inflame the civil war. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/433750.stm