History of Mexico

  • 1520

    Hernan Cortes coming to Mexico

    Hernan Cortes leads a force of conquistadors to Mexico
  • 1522

    Hernan Cortes and his soldiers defeat the Aztecs

    Within two years, these explorers and soldiers had defeated the Aztec and taken control of their empire
  • 1560

    Spain Conquering Central America

    After conquering Mexico, the Spanish moved south. Spain had seized control of most of Central America.
  • Mexico Having Political Conflict

    Mexico was troubled by political conflict most of the 1800s.
  • Rebellion

    After almost 300 years of Spanish rule, a priest named Miguel Hidalgo led a rebellion in Mexico.
  • Mexico's Independence

    The Spanish captured and executed Hidalgo, but by 1821 Mexico had gained its independence
  • Revolution of Mexico

    By the early 1900s, dissatisfaction was widespread. A revolution erupted in Mexico
  • Last Political Party Remaining

    National public schools were established, and a new constitution was written detailing the responsibilities of the government toward the people. Only one political party, however, held power until the 1990s