Nov 24, 1500
Portugese Explorer Claims Brazil.
Portuguese explorer Pedro Alvares Cabral lands in Brazil. He claims it for Portugal. -
Nov 24, 1555
French forces occupy Rio de Janeiro harbor.
French forces occupy Rio de Janeiro harbor. Two years later, Portugal regains control and establishes the city of Rio de Janeiro. -
Gold In Brazils Interior.
Gold is discovered in Brazil. -
Brazil gains Independence from Portugal.
Brazil gains independence from Portugal. Pedro I, the son of Portugal’s king, establishes the Brazilian empire. -
Slavery is Abolished.
Brazil becomes a Republic with a President
The military forces Emperor Pedro II to give up his throne. Brazil becomes a republic with a president. -
Southeastern Brazil becomes a coffee growing center.
Southeastern Brazil becomes a coffee growing center. Coffee becomes the country’s most important crop. -
Brasília is chosen to replace Rio de Janeiro as Brazil’s capital
More than 100 world leaders meet in Rio de Janeiro
More than 100 world leaders meet in Rio de Janeiro for the first international Earth Summit. They discuss ways to protect the environment. -
President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva is reelected.
Dilma Rousseff is elected Brazil’s first woman President.