
  • union of upper and lower Canada

    This act was what abolished the legislatures of lower and upper Canada. It was hoped that the effect of this union would eventually stop the expansion of the francophone culture and language.
  • implementation of responsible government

    Responsible government meant that the Executive Council had to obtain and maintain the support from the majority of the members of the house of Assembly in order to govern the province.
  • Period: to


    events before confederation
  • Charlottetown conference

    In the spring of 1864, delegates from Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and prince Edward Island were wanting to come together to discuss the possibly of creating Maritime Union. The Maritime colonies decided to have their own meetings in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island on sep 1st
  • Quebec conference

    The Quebec Conference was the second conference leading to creation of the Dominion of Canada in 1867.
  • London conference

    Once New Brunswick and Nova Scotia had passed union resolutions in 1866, a conference was held in London. The purpose was to draft the text of the British North American Act.
  • The British North American Act

    This act established the provisions of the Confederation of the province of Canada, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia into having a federal system including parliament which was similar to Britain.
  • Red River Rebellion

    The Red River Rebellion was a movement of self-determination by the Metis people of the Red River Colony in what is now Manitoba.
  • Province of Manitoba created

    Manitoba became apart of the Confederation after much negotiation. After four versions of Riel and the Metis ''List of Rights'' which ecpressed their claims, representatives of the provisional government negotiated the entry of Manitoba into the Confederation.
  • The British Columbia Act

    Some colonists viewed this with a negative perspective and didn't like the idea of taking orders from Ottawa. On the other hand, many though thought that joining the Confederation was positive and could help the province get out of the economic depression.
  • Indian Act

    The Indian Act is a Canadian statue that concerns the First Nations peoples of Canada.