
  • 1479

    dynastic union

    dynastic union
    Dynastic union is the union of several kingdoms, States, dominions or any other title of sovereignty under the same sovereign or ruler by dynastic law. .
  • 1490

    marriage policy with portugal

    marriage policy with portugal
    A series of marriages that made Portugal belong to Spain a few years later with Felipe II
  • 1492

    Muslim expulsion

    Muslim expulsion
    The war of Granada was the set of military campaigns that took place between 1482 and 1492, undertaken by Queen Isabel I of Castile and her husband, King Ferdinand II of Aragon within the Nasrid kingdom of Granada, who had oscillated between the alliance, the double game, the compromise and the open confrontation with both sides and that had as consequences the integration into the Crown of Castile of the last Muslim kingdom of the Iberian Peninsula.
  • 1492

    The Capitulations of Santa Fe

    The Capitulations of Santa Fe
    The Capitulations of Santa Fe are a document written by the Catholic Monarchs on April 17, 1492 in the town of Santa Fe, on the outskirts of Granada, which includes the agreements reached with Christopher Columbus regarding the planned expedition of this by the sea to the west.
  • 1493

    The Treaty of Tordesillas

    The Treaty of Tordesillas
    The Treaty of Tordesillas (in Portuguese: Treaty of Tordesilhas) was a commitment signed in the town of Tordesillas in Spain, between the representatives of Isabel and Fernando, kings of Castile and Aragon, on the one hand, and those of King Juan II of Portugal, on the other, by virtue of which a division of the areas of navigation and conquest of the Atlantic Ocean and the New World (America) was established
  • 1500

    Distribution of Napoles

    Distribution of Napoles
    El tratado de Granada fue una alianza militar pactada entre Luis XII de Francia y Fernando el Católico en los antecedentes de la guerra de Nápoles de 1501-1504, para repartirse entre ambos el territorio de Sicilia Citerior, bajo el gobierno de Federico.
  • 1512

    surrender of pamplona

    surrender of pamplona
    The end of the kingdom's independence occurred when Ferdinand the Catholic, and later his Burgundian grandson Carlos I of Spain, carried out the military conquest between 1512 and 1528 with different resistance. Several attempts were made to regain independence in the following years and finally Carlos I of Spain withdrew from Lower Navarra due to its difficult control.
  • 1512

    surrender of pamplona

    surrender of pamplona
    he end of the independence of the kingdom occurred when Fernando el Católico, and later his Burgundian grandson Carlos I of Spain, carried out the military conquest between 1512 and 1528 with different resistance. Several attempts were made to regain independence in the following years and finally Carlos I of Spain withdrew from Lower Navarra due to its difficult control.
  • 1512

    Burgos laws

    Burgos laws
    The Laws of Burgos or Ordinances for the treatment of the Indians were the first laws that the Hispanic Monarchy dictated for its application in the Indies, the New World or America, in which it abolished indigenous slavery and organized its conquest.
  • 1512

    Burgos laws

    They came to mean a meticulous regulation of: regime of work, wages, housing, care of the
    Indians ... However, the abuse
    He continued towards the entrusted Indians, which unleashed a campaign in their defense
  • 1519

    Mexico conquer

    Hernan Cortes went from Cuba to the mexican coast where he founded Veracruz. From
    there he met with the inca emperor Moctezuma. By 1521 Cortes took over the capital
  • 1521

    Las Comunidades

    Las Comunidades were local governments that were organized in a form of self-goverment
    and kicked out of town the crown government authorities. Padilla, Bravo and Maldonado, the
    heads of the Comunidades got decapitated, finishing the conflict.
  • 1542

    New Laws

    In 1542, King Charles I promulgated the New Laws, which protected the natives against
    abuses by settlers:
    - The encomienda should be extinguished upon the death of the owner.
    - The Indians could not be reduced to slavery.
    - Personal services were disappearing and replaced by taxes (paid services)
  • 1547

    Lutheran Reformation

    With the Reformation, the urge of Independence increased in the German empire. This
    started the conflict Charles V who won.
  • Expulsion of the moriscos

    During the reign of Felipe III the moriscos isolated themselves in communities, they kept their traditions and they grew quickly. They were moved to Africa and it was a big demografic consequence that nobility didn't like.
  • Reapers Revolution

    With the presence of the Catalan troops and Italian troops in Catalonia due to the Roussillon campaign, the Corpus day the reapers started the revolution, raiding the viceroy's palace and assassinating him.
  • The end of the 30 years War

    The end of the Thirty Years' War took place after the defeat of the Spanish Tercios that led to the Peace of Westphalia where Spain recognized the independence of the Netherlands.
  • The peace of the pyrenees

    The sign of this peace would put an end to the conflict with France, where Spain loses its hegemony, in addition to Roussillon and Cerdanya.
  • Ryswick treated

    This treaty would put an end to the conflict between Spain and France. Spain through the Duke of Oropesa negotiated with other countries such as Sweden, Austria or England to prevent French expansion
  • war of spanish succession

    war of spanish succession
    The war of Spanish succession5 was an international conflict that lasted from 1701 until the signing of the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713, whose fundamental cause was the death without descendants of Carlos II of Spain, the last representative of the House of Habsburg, and which left as a main consequence the establishment of the House of Bourbon on the throne of Spain.
  • treaty Utrecht 1713

    treaty Utrecht 1713
    The Treaty of Utrecht, also known as the Peace of Utrecht or the Treaty of Utrecht-Rastatt, is actually a set of treaties signed by the antagonistic states in the War of the Spanish Succession between 1713 and 1715 in the Dutch city of Utrecht. and in the German Rastatt. The treaties put an end to the war, although after their signing hostilities continued in Spanish territory until July 1715, when the Marquis of Asfeld took the island of Mallorca.
  • family pact

    family pact
    Signed by Philip V of Spain and Louis XV of France on November 7, 1733 at the Royal Site of El Escorial. José Patiño Rosales and the Count of Rottembourg agreed on behalf of their respective kings.
    Philip V, who is the grandson of Louis XIV of France, ascended to the Spanish throne in 1700, being the first monarch of the Bourbon dynasty in Spain after the extinction of the Habsburg or Austrian branch with the death of Charles II of Spain.
  • Second family pact

    The second family pact, signed on October 25, 1743 in Fontainebleau, was agreed upon by the monarchs themselves, Philip V of Spain and Louis XV of France, during the War of the Austrian Succession. After the death of Philip V in 1746, the new King Ferdinand VI of Spain carried out a policy of active neutrality between the United Kingdom and the Kingdom of France.
  • war 7 years 1756-1763

    The Seven Years' War was a series of international conflicts between early 1756 and late 1763 to establish control over Silesia and for colonial supremacy in North America and India. On the one hand, the Kingdom of Prussia, the Electorate of Hannover and the Kingdom of Great Britain took part, together with its American colonies and, some time later, its ally the Kingdom of Portugal
  • Fontainebleau Treaty

    Signed by Godoy and Napoleon, this treaty allowed the french army to go through Spain in
    order to attack Portugal a British allie. In return Spain would get part of the land conquered.
  • Bayona abdications

    CharlesIV and Fernando VII were called by Napoleon. Fernando would abdicate the crown
    on his dad Charles who gave the crown to Napoleon. This ended up with Jose, Napoleon’s
    brother being named the king of Spain, showing the real weaknesses the Spanish monarchy
  • 1812 Constitution

    It was a manifest of the urge to change the country by the legislation of many different
    reformations.The Nation was defined as the set of all citizens of both hemispheres (Art.1).
    Proclaim the national sovereignty (Art.3) to the detriment of the king, who is deprived of the
    legislative function, now attributed to the Cortes, that they would have a single chamber,
    elected by universal male suffrage. The citizens recognized Ferdinand VII
    as constitutional and not absolute king.
  • Valençay Treaty

    Valençay Treaty 1813
    Napoleon was close to defeat so he negotiated his way out the conflict. With this treaty,
    FernandoVII was allowed to come back to Spain this was the end of the Spanish Indepence
  • Independence war 1808-1814

    The revolutions started in the south where the french troops didn’t really arrive, civilians
    organized resistances and guerrillas which really damaged the French Army. The Battle of
    Bailen made a huge impact, the Spanish win made it imposible to conquered Andalusia.
  • pragmatic sanction

    Pragmatic Sanction of 1830 was a Pragmatic Sanction approved by Ferdinand VII of Spain on March 29, 1830, which came to promulgate the Pragmatic of 1789 approved by the Cortes of that year at the request of King Carlos IV and that, for reasons of foreign policy, never entered into force. The Pragmatics of 1789 annulled the Order agreed on May 10, 1713 by Felipe V which, except in very extreme cases, made it impossible for women to access the Throne,
  • maria cristina regency

    The regency of María Cristina de Borbón constitutes the first period of the minority of Isabel II of Spain, during which her mother María Cristina de Borbón-Dos Sicilias assumed the functions corresponding to the Crown (1833-1840) and had to do against the first Carlist war unleashed by supporters of Carlos María Isidro, who did not recognize the Pragmatic Sanction of 1789, by which women could reign and which Ferdinand VII had done public in March 1830.
  • Abrantes Manifesto

    It is a selection of fragments of the "Abrantes Manifesto" made public on October ,1833 by Carlos Mª Isidro from Abrantes-Portugal. It is a historical document, public, of a political nature, primary source and addressed in the first place to María Cristina and in general to all Spaniards these fragments of the "Abrantes Manifesto", the main idea is the justification for the defense of the dynastic interests of Carlos María Isidro on the throne of Spain.
  • Disentailment of Mendizabal

    It was brought about by the Carlist War, the need to reduce public debt and the anticlerical climate. Mendizabal re-established the decrees of the triennium on the suppression of mayorazgos, suppressed the religious orders by expropriating their assets and later putting them up for sale in the public auction. As a consequence, the church turns against the state and liberalism.
  • Constitution of 1837

    The Spanish Constitution of 1837 was promulgated in Spain during the regency of María Cristina de Borbón. It was an initiative of the Progressive Party to approve a consensus constitution with the Moderate Party that would allow the alternation of the two liberal parties without changing the Constitution every time the government changed. It was in force until 1845, when the Moderate Party imposed its own Constitution.
  • Espartero Regency

    Espartero's regency was the last period of the minority of Isabel II of Spain, so called because, after the triumph of the "revolution of 1840" that put an end to the regency of María Cristina de Borbón, mother of the future queen Isabel II General Baldomero Espartero assumed the regency in her place. It ended in 1843, when a military and civic movement headed by a part of the Progressive Party and the Moderate Party, which included related generals
  • Disentailment of Madoz

    The progressive minister Madoz will be the one to start the disentailment process again. In this process, the assets of the Church will be put up for sale, although with compensation, as well as the assets of common municipalities and those belonging to the State.
    The main objectives were to solve problems of public finances, the construction of the railway and loyalize the landowners and agrarian bourgeoisie to liberalism.
  • Yara’s shout

    It was a popular sublevation led by Manuel Cespedes, it started the urge for independence
    in Cuba. People were fighting for the erradication of slavery and political authonomy.

    This revolution will put an end to the reign of Elizabeth II and establish a democratic regime in Spain. It is produced by a military uprising led by Topete, Prim, Serrano and Dulce on September 19, 1868 in Cádiz. In the Revolutionary Juntas that are constituted in the main cities, the elements of the democratic party have great importance.
    This revolution ends with the Battle of Alcolea in 1868.
  • Constitution of 1869

    It was the first democratic constitution in Spain, its features were: the form of government was the absolute monarchy and was subject to national sovereignty, national sovereignty is proclaimed and universal male suffrage is confirmed, breadth of freedoms and rights and a bicameral system with Congress and Senate. However, it failed due to the lack of support and the weakness of the democratic political forces.
  • Arrival of Amadeo I of Savoy to power

    Since the reign of Isabel II, Spain had not had a king again, and during the Regency of Serrano, a Cortes was proclaimed to vote for a new king. After the elections, the candidate proposed by Prim, Amadeo I of Savoy, was elected. Three days before his arrival in Spain, his main supporter, Prim, would be assassinated.
  • General Pavia's coup

  • Military pronouncement in Sagunto

    While Antonio Canovas del Castillo organized the return of the Bourbons to the throne, after the abdication of Isabel II in favor of her son Alfonso, General Martínez Campos provoked a military uprising in Sagunto that proclaimed Alfonso XII king of Spain.
  • Spanish Constitution of 1876

    The Spanish Constitution of 1876 was promulgated on June 30, 1876 by Antonio Cánovas del Castillo and was the basis of the Bourbon Restoration.1 This constitution was based on a constitutional draft developed by a group of 600 notables, former senators and deputies from previous legislatures, appointed by Cánovas del Castillo. From them resulted a commission of 39 of them, chaired by Manuel Alonso Martínez, who would be in charge of the definitive drafting of the text.
  • presidency of canovas 1876 – 1881

    this stage is known as the Canovas dictatorship, its objective was twofold: to guarantee the consolidation of the recently restored monarchy and to build a strongly centralized political system.
  • first liberal government of Sagasta 1881 1883

    the basic line of the liberal government was a law of 1882, broad suffrage for the breach of its promise, universal suffrage is achieved, it would lead to the crisis and the return to power of the conservative party, freedom of the press, favoring freedom of expression and the educational reform planned by Sagasta
  • Regency of Maria Cristina of Habsburg 1885- 1902

    The Regency of María Cristina de Habsburgo is the period of the reign of Alfonso XIII of Spain in which, due to the minority of King Alfonso XIII, the head of State was held by his mother María Cristina de Habsburgo-Lorena. The regency began in November 1885 when King Alfonso XII died, months before Alfonso XIII was born, and ended in May 1902 when Alfonso XIII turned sixteen and swore the 1876 Constitution, thus beginning his personal reign.
  • Pact of El Pardo 1885

    The Pact of El Pardo was an informal agreement, which supposedly took place on November 24, 1885, on the eve of the death of the former King Alfonso XII, between Cánovas del Castillo and Práxedes Mateo Sagasta, respective leaders of the two most important parties. of the monarchical Restoration, the Conservative Liberal Party and the Liberal-Fusionist Party, with the purpose of providing stability to the regime, which they considered threatened
  • Nationalist Insurrection

    In 1895 the nationalist insurrection took place that gave rise to the last Cuban war, which
    was divided into two major stages: between 1895 and 1898 the war between the Spanish
    army and the native independence groups, the Spanish-Cuban war, took place; In 1898 the
    direct intervention of the United States in the conflict took place, which led to the
    Spanish-American confrontation.
  • Paris Treaty

    Spain lost the last milestones of the
    overseas empire. Spain ceded Puerto Rico, the Philippines and the island of Guam (in the
    archipelago of the Marianas) to the USA. Cuba, although formally independent, remained
    under American control.
  • Hispano-American War

    The Americans took advantage of the blowing up of the battleship Maine3
    to give an ultimatum and demand the Spanish renunciation of Cuban sovereignty, a step
    prior to declaring the war to Spain. American public opinion clamored for war due to a harsh
    campaign anti-Spanish journalism of the newspapers. The Spanish government, relying on a
    campaign of patriotism warmonger launched by the press, he launched into a war for which
    Spain was not prepared
  • Artistic 98’s Generation

    As for the artistic generation of '98, they are going to take our culture to new heights. All of
    his components were concerned about the “problem of Spain”. They criticized the Spanish
    backwardness with respect to to other countries and chieftaincy. To this generation belong
    writers such as Unamuno, Pío Baroja, Azorín, Machado, Ramiro de Maeztu..., painters like
    Benlliure, Zuloaga, Sorolla, Romero de Torres and musicians like Pomegranates or Albéniz.
  • Annual disaster

    General Fernandez Silvestre made a military mistake which caused terrible consequences.
    Abd-el-Krim leader of the rifian troops had a efficient performance. This disaster caused lots
    of deaths and made republicans and socialists attack the dictatorship
  • morocco war

    In July 1921 General Fernández Silvestre, called a military error whose tragic outcome caused unforeseen consequences.
  • Pistolerismo

    During this timespan public figures such as politicians were often shot by a hired muerderer
    by the oposition.The president of the goverment, Eduardon Dato was shot and mudered in
  • patriotic union creation

    en 1924 se creo el partido político unión patriótica para institucionalizar el golpe de estado de Primo, durante el directorio civil
  • Militar dictory

    MIguel Primo de Rivera named himself president and only minister. The regimen was
    presented as intern with the desire of solving the problems of the country that had been
    going on since the Restauration.
  • Landing of Alhucemas

    The landing of Alhucemas was a military operation in coalition with France with the objective
    of defeating Abd-el-Krim. After several defeats Abd-el-krim surrendered and the occupation
    of the Morocco´s protectorate was done.
  • San Sebastian agreement

    Every anti-monarchy political force (republicans,socialists and catalanists) signed the
    agreement of San Sebastian. The main focus of this agreement was to take out the
    monarchy and claim the II Republic.
  • constitution 1931

    The Spanish Constitution of 1931 was approved on December 9, 1931 by the Constituent Cortes, after the Spanish general elections of 1931 that followed the proclamation of the Second Republic, and was in force until the end of the civil war in 1939
  • Second Republic Proclamation

    The Republic was proclaimed on 14 April 1931, after the deposition of King Alfonso XIII, and was dissolved on 1 April 1939 after surrendering in the Spanish Civil War to the Nationalists led by General Francisco Franco.
  • coup of Primo de Rivera

    Miguel Primo de Rivera command to occupy the telephone services of Barcelona and read a manifesto giving a coup d'etat.
  • Law of religious congregations

    The Law of Religious Confessions and Congregations, approved on May 17, 1933 by the Courts of the Second Spanish Republic, prohibited the Church from continuing to teach. The measure aroused the indignation of various conservative actors: politicians, bishops and leaders of Catholic organizations.
  • October revolution of 1934

    The Revolution of 1934 or revolutionary general strike in Spain in 1934 revolutionary strike movement that occurred between October 5 and 19, 1934 during the second biennium of the Second Spanish Republic.
  • July 1936 coup

    On July 18, 1936, a military uprising against the Second Republic led by Franco, Mola and Queipo de Llano broke out in Spain. The partial failure of the coup leads to the Spanish Civil War. A group of Assault Guards posted behind some dead horses as a barricade
  • Battle for Madrid

    After the coup that failed in the big cities, Madrid was the main objective of the military advance. The battle began on November 7, 1936 but Madrid resisted thanks to the arrival of the International Brigades, militants effort and propaganda under the slogan: They shall not pass!
  • Unification Decree

    It was promulgated by Franco and through this a single political party, the traditionalist Spanish phalanx and the JONS was created, in this way Franco becomes control of everything
  • Unification Decree 20/4/1937

    The Unification Decree was a legal norm promulgated during the Spanish civil war, means of which the Spanish Falange political parties of the National Syndicalist Offensive Boards were merged under his command and the Traditionalist Communion, creating a new single party with the name of the Traditionalist Spanish Falange and the National Syndicalist Offensive Boards
  • Bombing of Guernical

    On April 26, 1937, the Condor Legion bombarded the city of Guernica. It was the first bombing of the civilian population. I had great demographic, social and political consequences.
  • blue stage

    “Blue” or fascist stage (1939-1943). The dominant political force during the first period was the Falange, which had many similarities to other European fascist parties. On April 19, 1937, Franco had decreed the unification of Falangists and Requetés into a single party, forming FET y de las JONS.
  • End of Civil War

    The war ends on April 1, 1939 when Franco himself read a manifesto that marked the end of the war. As a consequence Negrín left for France, the republican government moved to Mexico
  • Military Uprising in Morocco

    The military conspiracy began after the triumph of the popular front, being General Mola the leader of the coup and Franco who led the rebels. The trigger for the coup was the murder of José Calvo Sotelo for the assault guard.
  • Vatican Council II

    The Second Vatican Council was the twenty-first ecumenical council of the Catholic Church, whose main object was the relationship between the Church and the modern world. It was summoned by Pope John XXIII, who announced it on January 25, 1959. It was one of the historical events that marked the 20th century.
  • Murder of Carrero Blanco

    The murder of Carrero Blanco, also known by his code name, was an attack perpetrated by the terrorist organization Euskadi Ta Askatasuna on December 20, 1973 against Admiral Luis Carrero Blanco, President of the Spanish Government during the Franco dictatorship.
  • franco's death

    Francisco Franco Bahamonde was a Spanish soldier and dictator, a member of the group of high-ranking military leaders who staged the 1936 coup against the democratic government of the Second Republic, leading to the Spanish Civil War.
  • -PROCLAMATION OF KING JUAN CARLOS I (22 de noviembre de 1975)

    On November 22, 1975, upon being proclaimed king by the Cortes, Juan Carlos I gave a
    speech with words of opening and reconciliation, which made his democratic intention clear

    During the final years of the dictatorship, the left was grouped into 2 platforms: The
    democratic Board led by Santiago Carrillo. The platform of democratic convergence, directed
    by Felipe González. In 1976, these two platforms were united in the Democratic
    Coordination, better known as the "PLATAJUNTA"

    The politicization of public life in favor of the legalization of all political parties and unions, the
    general amnesty, the autonomy of the Basque Country and Catalonia, and personal
    problems with King Juan Carlos forced the resignation of the president.
  • -1977 ELECTIONS

    On this day it was celebrated the first democratic elections after the franquism. The UCD of
    Adolfo Suárez earned simple majority, chased by PSOE of Felipe González.

    One of the objectives of the Transition government was the elaboration of a constitution. A
    Committee of 7 members met to write a widely agreed text that was approved on December
    6, 1978 by the Cortes and promulgated on December 29, 1978. Creating a rigid, inclusive,
    democratic and extensive constitution.
  • Filesa Case

    The Filesa case was a case of corruption consisting of the creation of a network of
    companies (Filesa, Malesa and Time-Export), whose purpose was the illegal financing of the
    PSOE, to cover the expenses originated by the electoral campaigns of the year 1989 .
  • PP´s first Legislature

    José María Aznar, leader of the PP, won the 1996 elections by a narrow margin, developing
    a centrist and dialoguing policy to obtain the support of the nationalist minorities (CiU and
    PNV) and the unions. The government's support came from the old UCD (Mayor Oreja) or
    from young politicians (Rodrigo Rato), who distanced the PP from the old image of
  • Antiterrorist fight

    The fight against terrorism made great progress with the dismantling of terrorist commandos
    and social mobilization in the Basque Country and in the rest of Spain, especially after the
    murder in 1997 of the PP councilor in Ermua, Miguel Ángel Blanco, which triggered the
    so-called spirit of Ermua, PP and PSOE would approach positions, coming to sign the Pact
    for Freedoms and Against Terrorism at the beginning of the next legislature
  • Zapatero´s socialists goverment

    In 2008, Zapatero's PSOE would win again, but this legislature was determined by the
    economic crisis, which the government denied over and over again. The economic
    deterioration led to taking measures that failed to prevent the collapse of the financial system
    and construction, with unemployment exceeding 5 million people.
    In this context, the citizen movement known as 15M or movement of the indignant will
    emerge and the PP will win overwhelmingly
  • covid

    Since the end of February 2020 and from China, a coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) has
    spread throughout the world, forcing a state of alarm to be decreed, entailing the virtual
    paralysis of social and economic life and generating a high mortality rate. in Spain (more
    than 100,000 deaths to date), which has especially affected the older population