Historia de España

  • 415

    Los Visigodos 415

    Los Visigodos 415
    The Visigoths settled when there were several groups of germanic people on the Iberians Peninsula.
    The Visigoths drove many of these people out, some went to Africa and other just eventually disappeared.
    Visigoths converted many peoples to Christianity.
    They ruled the peninsula for two centuries and left the the people there rather unstable but with a rich culture.
    La capital de los visigodos estuvo en Toledo.
    Los Visigodos hicieron muchas cosas de oro.
  • Aug 31, 600

    Los Iberos 600 BC

    Los Iberos  600 BC
    The Iberians were the earliest known inhabitants of Spain.
    The Iberian Peninsula was named after the Iberians.
    Their name, Iberians, is connected to the name of the River Ebros (Iberus).
    La Dama de Elche, a sculpture, shows the classical influence on their clothing and jewelery.
    Los Iberos extrajeron metal para sus economía.

    Vivieron en el este y el sur.
  • Sep 2, 711

    Los Moros 711

    Los Moros 711
    They created the Mezquita, in Cordoba, Spain, as well as many other beautiful pieces of architecture.
    Many academic developments were created during Moorish rule.
    The most influential musician, Ziryab, was called the blackbird. Moors also introduced the guitar, lyre, and the lute.
    New crops such as oranges, lemons, dates, and saffron were brought to Spain by the Moors.
    Los Moros empezaron muchas universidades.
    Ellos construyeron la alhambra.
  • Nov 1, 1478

    La Inquisición

    La Inquisición
    The term inquisicion means intense questioning, this is was done to various people during the Spanish Inquisition to root out “heretics.”
    Christians were not allowed to marry Jewish people.
    They did this to maintain what the Spanish referred to as, “limpieza de sangre.”
    Many jewish people were killed in cold blood and tortured.
    Cuando La Inquisición paró, habrá muchos gente judía en españa.

    Despues La Inquisición, España no tuvo una buena economía .
  • Sep 2, 1492

    La Reconquista

    La Reconquista
    The Moors lost their power in Spain when King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella took power.
    The Reconquista has been said to be similar to the crusades.
    One of the most famous Christian “heros” was called El Cid.
    Some called the end of the reconquista the Golden Age.
    Christopher Columbus fue en un buque buscar India durante la reconquista.
    Habrá muchas batallas durante la reconquista.
  • Sep 6, 1492

    El Imperio Español

    El Imperio Español
    The first attempt to adventure to South America was in 1522.
    A conquistador, named Pizarro, came from Spain and searched for the gold of the Incan Civilization.
    Pizarro founded the city of Lima in Peru.
    Cortes was another Spanish adventurer who discovered gold during the time of imperialism in Spain.
    Los peruanos no respetan Pizarro porque él mató muchos gentes.
    Pizarro ayudó Balbo descubre el océano pacífico.
  • La Armada

    La Armada
    The Spanish Armada was a fleet of boats sent to take over England.
    This occurred during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I.
    Since Spain was defeated, the Protestant religion was spread throughout Europe.
    Spain lost 20,000 men, and England lost 7,000 men.
    Los burqas de la armada transportaron treinta mil soldados.
    Ingleses ganaron la batalla.
  • La Guerra Civil

    La Guerra Civil
    It began with a rebellion led by Francisco Franco against the Republican government in Spain.
    Those on the opposing side were called Nationalists, and were mostly landowners, some people in the army, the middle class, and the Catholic church.
    Franco and his followers won the civil war.
    His reign was oppressive and isolating for Spain.
    Cuando Franco murió, España fue una democracia otra vez.

    Muchas gentes murieron en la guerra civil.
  • España Moderna

    España Moderna
    The population of modern Spain is 47 million and is the sixth largest in Europe.
    Spain’s government is a constitutional monarchy.
    People in modern Spain are very relaxed. A recent poll stated that people in Spain take an average of 16 hours a day for eating, drinking, and sleeping.
    Spain has hundreds of festivals every year and is rich in culture and tradition.

    España produce media de aceite de oliva para el mundo.
    En España, es el más viejo restaurante en el mundo está en Madrid.
  • Los Romanos 218 BC

    Los Romanos 218 BC
    The Romans went to Spain to fight the Carthaginians.
    When the Romans settled in Spain, they began the process of romanization. This means that the people there were required to accept the culture, language, and religion of the Romans.
    The Romans created colonies and placed each colony under Roman authorities.
    Los Romanos construyeron los primeros caminos y los aquaducts.
    Crearon el ley de los doce mesas que unos instrucciones de vive.