Reinado Carlos IV alex h

  • Arrival to the throne

    Arrival to the throne
    Carlos IV arrives to the Spanish throne. He will be the king for 19 years before everything breaking out.
  • French Revolution Starts

    French Revolution Starts
    The French Revolution began in 1789 and lasted until 1794. King Louis XVI needed more money, but had failed to raise more taxes when he had called a meeting of the Estates General. This instead turned into a protest about conditions in France.
  • His cousin Louis XVI gets beheaded

    His cousin Louis XVI gets beheaded
    During the French Revolution, in 1793, Carlos’s cousin Louis XVIII got beaheded.
  • Trafalgar battle

    Trafalgar battle
    The French-Spanish troops lose against the English on the naval battle.
  • Treaty of Fontainebleau

    Treaty of Fontainebleau
    The Spanish kings and Napoleon reach an agreement. Napoleon will invade Portugal and his troops will pass through Spain.
  • French troops start to settle little groups in strategic points of the Iberian Peninsula

    French troops start to settle little groups in strategic points of the Iberian Peninsula
  • Motín de Aranjuez

    Motín de Aranjuez
    With the rumor of the Spanish Monarchy leaving Spain, Aranjuez’s inhabitants decided to revolt against Godoy, they burn his palace. This led to Carlos IV abdicating and giving the throne to his son, Fernando VII
  • French troops enter Madrid

    French troops enter Madrid
    The French troops which were going to Portugal and had been settling little groups in strategic points enter Madrid.
  • The War of Independence breaks out

    The War of Independence breaks out
    Madrid citizens, seeing what has happened decide to revolt against the French troops that had invaded Spain. This war was unfair, as the French Troops were the strongest army in the world in that moment and the Spanish were just regular people.
  • Abdications of Bayonne

    Abdications of Bayonne
    The Abdications of Bayonne happen. In this event, the Spanish King and Queen met Napoleon Bonaparte in Bayonne. They later reached and agreement in which they abdicated from the throne, letting Napoleon Bonaparte as the King of Spain, role which he gave to his brother Jose Bonaparte.
  • Constitution of 1812 is created

    Constitution of 1812 is created
    On March 19th 1812 the first Spanish constitution was created. Created in Cadiz, it set the bases of the liberalism in Spain and ended the absolutism
  • The Monarch’s flee out to Rome, where they would die

    The Monarch’s flee out to Rome, where they would die
  • Fernando VII arrives in Spain

    Fernando VII arrives in Spain
    Fernando is back in Spain, with him, the absolutism comes back as he abolishes the 1812 constitution and liberalism
  • His wife Maria Luisa dies in Rome

    His wife Maria Luisa dies in Rome
  • He dies in Napoli

    He dies in Napoli