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    France gets into Financial troubles part 1

    During this timespan France kept spending and spending and eventually putted France into a pickle in which that the third estates couldn't pay off France's debt. Also not to mention that people were having droughts and prices of food was expensive. This lead to bread riots and people stealing food from other people. King Louis XVI was given a financial expert from the bank called Jacques Necker. Jacques gave Louis an excellet idea on how to solve the debt crisis by taxing each estates instead
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    France gets into Financial Troubles part 2

    taxing each estate and Louis said nope! your fired!
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    France goes Bankrupt

    Louis XVI Calls the Estates-Generals to meet and decide on how to solve the debt.
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    French society part 1

    The french society was divided to into three social classes. The first and highest class is Clergy which are people who are wealthy beyond belief and most of them were from the church and they didn’t have to pay for taxes. The second class was nobility of french society and mostly these were people like knights and generals and people in the army. They did have strict rights from the rulers and such that would insure them they would have a high rank military job.
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    French Society part 2

    As for the third estate they were a middle class called the bourgeoisie and the rest of the population was made up of peasants.
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    Declarence of the National assembly and the Tennis Court Oath

    During this month the third estate delegates declared themselves the national assembly. A few days after the third estates took an oath in a handball court and called it the the tennis court oath. They did this because they were locked out of the meeting and no one was there.
  • Storming the Bastille

    Storming the Bastille
    800 Parisians storm the Bastille, which is a french prison to find gunpowder. In doing this they killed the 5 guards guarding the fortress and freed the prisoners. Unfortunatly their was no gunpowder.
  • Rights of Man part 2

    Rights of Man part 2
    Also to enjoy “Liberty, Property, Security, and resistance to oppression” and says that all male citizens are created equally. Also Lafayette a french military commander helped with making the Declartion of the Rights of Man
  • Rights of Man part 1

    Rights of Man part 1
    On August 4, the national assembly voted to end their own privileges such as exemption from taxes and exclusive hunting rights. Also a day later the president of the assembly announced that “feudalism is abolished” and that France was truly reborn. Later in august the assembly made a document called the Declaration of the Rights of Man which was written 13 years earlier and in this document it states that were are “born and remain free and equal in rights”.
  • The March to Versailles

    The March to Versailles
    Over six thousand anger muscular fish women who were starving in paris marched to Versailles while it was raining. Most of the women who marched to Versailles were angry at the queen of france because she was being lavished with foods and such while there children are starving
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    Threats from Foriegn countries

    Since Louis XVI escaped plan failed the king of Prussia and the emperor of Austria issused a Declaration of Pilnitz to protect the french king but mostly the document was a bluff but the french took it seriously and prepared for war!
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    Radicals Fight and Declare War

    The Legislative Assembly takes office and it didn't survive for more than a year. Things went down the drain and prices went up. Also radical groups formed like the sans-culottes and the Jacobins. Sans-culottes demanded a republic instead of a monarch. Also border patrols increase on the other countries and people who escaped from france are called emigres.
  • Storm the French Castle

    Storm the French Castle
    Parisians storm the royal castle or palace of Tuileries and tried to kidnape the king but he fled to the legislative assembly before they could catch him.
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    Bloodthirsty Citizens and Monarchy is abolished

    During the month of september people of france attacked all prisons that nobles and clergy in them and murdered them all. Also during this month the Jacobins called for a new legislative body called the National Convention and then they voted and abolished the monarchy and formed a republic
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    Louis XVI Excecution

    Louis gets executed by the radicals called the National Convention on a foggy morning. He also gave a speech before he died saying like he was sorry for what he did but he was not a tratior and etc.
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    Reign of Terror part 1

    MaximilienRobespierre was the leader of the Committee of public safety and he was dedicated to the revolution and was given the nickname the incorruptible. The committee consisted of 12 members that had powers like kings and queens and were in charge of trials and executions. Also Robespierre stated that liberty will be not be secured unless chopping off some heads. A new killing machine called the guillotine helped make the reign of terror what it is. This machine made killing someone much more
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    Reign of Terror part 2

    efficient. While france was gaining control of the revolution Robespiere stated that we need terror to maintain control of the revolution and this lead to more executions. About 300,000 people were arrested, 17,000 were killed, and 800 people were killed almost every month.
  • Robespiere execution

    Robespiere execution
    Robespiere is arrested and executed the next day. This leads to being less executions
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    The Third Stage

    The bourgeoisie took control and made a five man directory and a two house legislature and remain in control of france until 1799.They didn't know how to solve their problems like the rise in bread prices and emigres were trying to return back to france. Politicians then apointed Napolean Bonaparte to be the ruler of france so that they could advance their own goals but actually he used them to his own goal.
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    Nationalism spreads

    By the end of the revolution nationalism spreads throughout all of france. Also they pushed for social reforms, to help the poor, build schools, and they abolished slavery in the Caribbean colonies.