French Revolution Tousignant Fields6

  • Period: to

    Absolutism and the French Revolution

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    The Monarchy

  • Period: to

    The Monarchy

  • Tax Plan

    Meeting of the estates was calles by Louis XVI , to discuss & approve a new tax plan.
  • National Assembly

    National assembly pro-claims itself with full athority & power to decree laws; their primary task, is to draw up & adopt a constitution.
  • Bastille is Stormed

    The Bastille prison was attacked by an angry mob. They were able to get the guns, ammunition and free the prisioners.
  • Fall Of Bastille

    The storming & the fall of Bastille.
  • End of Feudalism

    End of feudalism & serfdom, in france anounced by "The National Assembly".
  • Decleration Rights

    Decleration of the rights of man issued by "The Natiional Assembly.
  • Paris Invades Versallies

    Women of Paris invaded Versallies, Parisians march upon Versallies & force Royalo family back to Parris when they took up residence at tuileries.
  • Civil Constituion

    Civil constitution of the clergy was passed.
  • Constitution Adoption

    The constituion of 1791 was adopted.
  • Louis XVI's family arrested

    Louis XVI's family was arrested for trying to, flee from france.
  • France declares war

    France delared war on Austria.
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  • Meeting Of National Convention

    The first meeting of National Convention was held.
  • Louis XVI Gullonte

    He was sentenced to guillonte.
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    The Committee Of Public Safety

  • National Draft

    This was issued calling for, all able-bodied men to enlist in the army.
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    The Terror

  • Robespierre Arrested

    Robespierre was arrested by the National Convetion.
  • Robspierre Beheaded

    He was beheaded.
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    The Directory

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    Napoleon As Emperor