French Revolution Timeline

  • July 14

    The French Revolution begins with the Storming of the Bastille.
  • June 17

    The third Estate declares the National Assembly.
  • June 20

    Members of the Third Estate take the Tennis Court Oath, where they demanded certain rights from the king.
  • August 26

    The National Assembly adopts the Declaration of the Rights of man and the citizen.
  • October 5 - October 6

    October 5 - A large group made up of women and men, marched from Paris to Versailles to demand a lower price on the bread, this made the king and queen to move back to Paris.
    October 6 - The Jacobin Club is formed. Its members become some of the most radical leaders of the French Revolution.
  • October 1

    The Legislative Assembly is formed.
  • September 14

    King Louis XVI signs the new constitution.
  • March 20

    The guillotine becomes the new and official method of execution.
  • September

    The September Massacres occur between September 2 - 7. Thousands of political prisoners are killed before they can be freed by royalist troops.
  • June 20 - June 21

    The "Flight to Varennes" occurs when the royal family, including King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette, attempt to flee France. They are captured and returned to France.
  • January 21

    King Louis XVI is executed by guillotine.
  • March 7

    Civil war breaks out in the Vendee are of France between revolutionaries and royalists.
  • April 6

    The Committee of Public Safety is formed. It will rule France during the Reign of Terror.
  • November 9

    Napoleon overthrows the Directory and establishes the French Consulate with Napoleon as leader of France. This brings an end to the french Revolution.