French Revolution

  • Call of the Estate General

    Call of the Estate General
    France was losing tons of money and was going bankrupt. They were in this hole because King Louis was spending tons of money. This led them into the french revolution.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    In 1789 King Louis tried to address a attempt on Frances economics crisis. Louis XVI assembles the 3 estates. The 3 estates were the clergy, the noble, and the commons.
  • The great fear

    The great fear
  • Period: to

    The Great Fear

    It was caused by economical concerns. Peasants were hearing and spreading rumors. Outsider were also entering France.
  • Storming of Bastille

    Storming of Bastille
    The state prison was by a crazy mob. This was a important thing in the revolution. There were only 7 prisoners when it was attacked.
  • champ de mars massacre

    champ de mars massacre
    It was a rally against the decision of king Louis still being king. This caused a massacre. King Louis was still king under the monarchy.
  • The National assembly

    The National assembly
    France had a constitutional monarchy. Nobody was elected in politics at this time. Everyone lost politic experience.
  • Execution of robe sphere.

    Execution of robe sphere.
    This was toward the end of the french revolution. He was a lawyer. He was like a dictator and french didn't like him.
  • reign of terror

    reign of terror
    People weren't agreeing with them so they started chopping heads off. There was a safety committee. This all took place in France.
  • napoleon

    He knew how to gain power. He knew how to control France. He kept his military under support.
  • Exucution of king louis

    Exucution of king louis
    king Louis was executed by the guillotine. The french disliked him. The made Marie watch him.