french revolution

  • Convening the Estate General

    the estates general was called to fix the crisis and the was when the third estate was locked out and created the national assembly
  • the storming of the bastille

    when the peasents attackedthe city armory to arm themselves
  • Tennis Court Oath

    whe nthe third estate was locked out of the metting room the vowed to not stop meeting till they drafted a constituion
  • Period: to

    great fear

    when the peasent got nervous of the kings actions and led to many revolution things like the storming of bastile
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man

    drafted by the national assembly fixed the neglect the citizen was facing from the king
  • Women's March to Versailles

    women stormed the palace of versailles becasue the thought mary anttonete was hoarding grain
  • royal flight

    the king and queen try to excape france to austria
  • constitution of 1791

    the constitution created by the national asymbly to retain the monarch
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    national convention

    the nationalist governent running the revolutions
  • Period: to

    Reign of Terror

    when the nationalist party went bazeirk and killed any on that opposed the revolution or was even rumored to.
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    The Directory Takes Power

    the directory assumed power of france