French Revolution

By LukeS22
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    The 3rd estate was planning on meeting at Versailles but they were locked out. Instead, they moved to an indoor tennis court and held a meeting. They said they were not leaving until France had a new constitution.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    A big crowd gathered outside of the Bastille. They stormed through the gates and obtained weapons. People were killed or wounded.
  • Marat's death

    Marat's death
    Jean-Paul Marat died from the stabbing of Charlotte Corday. He was in the bathtub and she stabbed him in the heart. When the courts asked her about it, she confessed.
  • Reign of Terror

    Reign of Terror
    There were tons and tons of deaths and executions. They would use a device called the guillotine. It would cut the head off in one blow.
  • Daton's death

    Daton's death
    Daton was a French leader. He was the president of Commitee of Public Safety. He was executed because the other people that that he was against killing and executing people.
  • Robespierre's death

    Robespierre's death
    Robespierre was one of the most important people in the French Revolution. He killed Daton. The Reign of Terror ended when Robespierre was executed.
  • Lafayette

    Lafayette was a rich man at age 13 when his father died. He was close friends with George Washington and helped the United States win a war against France which is where he was from. He was in prison for 5 years in Austria and then Napoleon saved him.
  • Napoleonic Control

    Napoleonic Control
    He made himself emperor in 1804. He did very well in the military and climbed many ranks. He lost two battles and was exiled.
  • Invasion of Russia

    Invasion of Russia
    This war was very bad for Napoleon. The French starved and suffered. Thousands of people died.
  • Waterloo

    The fight was taken place in Belgium. Napoleon was in charge of France. France ended up losing which was the last loss of Napoleon's rule.