French Revolution

  • End of American Revolution

    The American Revolution put France in an enormous amount of debt. The ending of the revolution stopped the debt from tripling.
  • Period: to

    Guillotine was intrduced

    Dr. Joseph Ignace Guillotine introduced the machine to France in the year 1789. He did not invent it but was an advocate for it,
  • Meeting of the Estates-General

    The estates-general met to discuss tax reforms.
  • National Assemblly is formed

    The National Assembly was formed at a tennis court where they pledged to not stop until they have a constitution.
  • To the Bastille we go!!!!

    Mob of Parisian citizens storms Bastille prison and confiscates weapons.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen

    Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen issued.
  • Death to the Queen!!

    Parisian women march to Versailles in response to food crisis
  • Olympe de gouge

    Olympe de gouge published the Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen.
  • Louis XVI and his wife flee

    Louis XVI and Marie Antoinoonette flee Paris but are caught near the Austrian border
  • Declaration of Pillntz

    The declaration stated that if all the other major European powers went to war then Austria would too. The European powers would intervene if King Louis XVI was not put back into power.
  • The new Constition

    Louis XVI approves National Assembly’s new constitution, which establishes constitutional monarchy.
  • France goes to War

    France declares war on Austria
  • The King is put in Chains

    Louis XVI is arrested by Jacobins and Sans-Culottes.
  • Kill! Kill! Kill!

    The sansculottes or in other words the French laborers and commoners raid the prisons and kill as many people as they can.
  • France is a Republic

    France is declared a republic.
  • The King is Dead!

    Louis XVI is executed by the guillotine.
  • Reign of Terror

    This date marks the beginning of the Reign of Terror which lasted more than ten months.
  • The Queen is Dead!

    Marie-Antoinette is executed by the guillotine.
  • Down with Robespierre!!

    Robespierre is overthrown which marks the end of the Reign of Terror
  • A Hero's Welcome

    Napoleon returns to France from his Egyptian campaign.
  • Our Hero Will Save Us!

    Napolean is crowned emperor of the French by Pope Pius VII. The Pope did not crown Napolean but gave Napolean the crown so he could place it upon his head symbolizing that he was controlled by no one and that he was the absolute ruler of France.