French revolution analyzed through stages of revolution

  • Estates-General meets to solve the financial crisis

    First Stage
  • Estates-General votes to become the National Assembly

    Estates-General votes to become the National Assembly and to form a constitution
    Stage 1
  • Tennis Court Oath

    People involved in the oath refuse to stop meeting until they form a constitution.
    Stage 1
  • The fall of Bastille

    Bastille is captured by a peasent army.
    Stage 2
  • National Assembly abolishes priveledge.

    First and second estates no longer have priveledge.
    Stage 1
  • "The Declaration of the Rights of Man"

    "The Declaration of the Rights of Man" becomes the foundation for the National Assembly.
    Stage 1
  • Women's March on Versailles

    Women protest outside of Versailles demanding bread to feed their families.
  • Civil Constitution of the Clergy

    Churches are regulated by the government. Bishops are elected. This formed a divide between revolutionists and anti-revolutionists.
    Stage 2
  • National Assembly Constitution

    National Assembly implements their constitution.
    Stage 2
  • Declaration of Pillnitz

    Other countries governments work to promote the French Monarchy.
  • Abolition of slavery in France

  • Legislative Assembly is formed

    This is a constitutional monarchy.
    Stage 1
  • Declaration of War on Austria

    Stage 2
  • King Louis XVI captured

    Stage 2
  • Paris Commune takes over the Assembly

    Mobs storm the palace and the National Assembly falls.
    Stage 2
  • National Convention starts meeting

    Stage 3
  • National Convention agrees to start a Republic

    Stage 3
  • Committee of Public Safety is formed.

    The goal is to curb counter-revolution while issue a giant mobilization.

    Stage 3
  • Louis XVI is executed

    Mountains win out over Girondins.
    Stage 3
  • Commune kills Girondin leaders

    Commune invades the Convention and kills Girondin leaders, leading the Mountain in control.
    Stage 3
  • Universal Mobilization for French army

  • Period: to

    Robespierre's Reign of Terror

    Revolutionary courts are made to protect France from its internal enemies.
    Stage 3
  • New republican calendar

    This celebrated the Revolution and de-Christianization.
    Stage 3
  • Law of 14 Frimaire

    Committee of public safety tries to centrlaize administration
  • The Vendee

    Revolutionary armies were brutal in defeating rebel armies.
  • Robespierre is executed

    Stage 4
  • A more conservative constitution is written

    Result of the Thermidorean Reaction
    Stage 4
  • New constitution creates a Legislative Assembly

    Council of 500 and Council of Elders
    Stage 4
  • Napoleon's coup d'etat

    Napoleon overthrows the Directory
    Stage 4
  • Napoleon's constitution creates the Consulate

    "The First Consul shall suffice."
    Napoleon is first consul
    Stage 4
  • Napoleon arranges a Concordat with the Catholic Church

    Re-christianization of society, but other religions are still recognized.
    Stage 4
  • Napoleon becomes first consul for life

    Stage 4
  • Code Napoleon

    This is Napoleon's civil code that builds on the idea of equality.

    Stage 4
  • Napoleon becomes emporer

    Stage 4
  • Period: to

    Continental System

    A boycott of British goods into the mainland of Europe. The goal was to loosen Britan's hold on the seas.
  • Napoleon and 600,000 toops enter Russia

    They were attacking Russia to punish them for leaving the Continental System.
  • The Great Retreat

    Short on supplies, Napoleon has to retreat through Russia in winter, loosing 540,000 troops