French Revolution

  • Louis XVI Crowned king of France

    Louis XVI Crowned king of France
    Married Marie Antoinette. Was then crowned king of France after his grandfather died, Louis XV.
  • American Revolution Begins

    American Revolution Begins
    A conflict between Great Britain and thirteen colonies. Fought for independence for United States
  • Calling of the Estates General

    Calling of the Estates General
    King Louis XVI called for the estates general. He called the meeting because the government was having financial issues
  • Formation of the National Assembly

    Formation of the National Assembly
    An assembly formed by the representatives of the Third Estate. They called for the estates general.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    A oath taken to never separate until a written constitution was written for France. They did it in a tennis court because they were locked out of Versailles.
  • Attack on the Bastille

    Attack on the Bastille
    A state prison which was attacked by an aggressive mob. When it was attacked it only held 7 members
  • French women force Louis XVI out of Versailles

    French women force Louis XVI out of Versailles
    One of the earliest events that occurred in France. The march began because women wanted food for their families and the king wouldn’t give it to them
  • Declaration of war against Austria

    Declaration of war against Austria
    The legislative assembly declared war on Austria. They thought war would unify the country.
  • National convention is formed

    National convention is formed
    Second government of the French revolution. Formed to select a party’s nominee as president.
  • Louis XVI executed

    Louis XVI executed
    Convicted of conspiracy with foreign powers. Was killed by guillotine
  • Reign of terror

    Reign of terror
    A period during the French revolution where people were being killed dramatically. Most were being killed for inhumane reasoning’s.
  • The Themidorian Reaction

    The Themidorian Reaction
    Maximilien Robespierre was denounced by the National convention. Robespierre and 21 others were arrested and beheaded the following day.
  • The Directory is formed

    The Directory is formed
    A five-member committee that governed France. It replaced the committee of public safety until it was overthrown by Napoleon.
  • Napoleon takes power

    Napoleon takes power
    Description: Was brought to power from the coup of 18 Brumaire. He later ended the French revolution.
  • Napoleon invades Russia

    Napoleon invades Russia
    Napoleon attempts to defeat Russia’s army. He ends up having most of his men killed and the war last about 5 months
  • Napoleons defeat at Waterloo

    Napoleons defeat at Waterloo
    The Battle of Waterloo, which took place in Belgium, marked the final defeat of Napoleons army.