French Revolution

  • Meeting of the Estates General

    Each estate had 1 vote, but the first and second estates could act as a block to the third estate, stopping it from getting its way.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    The king locked the third estate out of the meeting. The third estate then moved over to a tennis court, and made an oath there.
  • The Storming of the Bastille

    A state prison, called the Bastille, in Paris was attacked by an angry mob, as a symbol of their opinion on the government at the time.
  • The Declaration of Rights

    A document was made to help abolish laws holding down the third estate and reform the government.
  • Period: to

    The Reign of Terror

    A period of violence that occurred shortly after the French Revolution started, spurred on by the continuing conflict between the three estates.
  • The Rise of Napoleon

    Napoleon fought during the french revolution. He rose through the ranks, and began seeking political power, starting from 1799 and stopping when he became an emperor.
  • The Congress of Vienna

    After Napoleon's defeat, everyone was trying to look for a new government system to operate by. The Congress of Vienna was started to find a solution, and keep the peace.
  • Napoleon's empire collapses

    Because of war and invasion, Napoleon's empire eventually collapsed.