French Revolution

  • New ideas

    New ideas
    In 1700s, France was the leading country of Europe, In that time France was the center of the new ideas of the Enlightenment, But the people weren't treated equally, French were divided into 3 classes. The First Estate was the Clergy, The Second Estate was the nobility and the Third Estate was the peasants.
  • Taxes

    France government needed lots of money so Louis tried to tax poor people , they forced the king to call meeting about the taxes issues.
  • Estates General called to meeting

    Estates General called to meeting
    On July 5th 1788, The Estates General was called by Louis XVI ,He called this meeting between the three social classes ( clergy , Nobility and peasants ) . The third estates being mistreated, They wanted to change the system, They wanted each delegate to have a vote so they had started their own government called the “National Assembly”, it formed by representatives of the Third Estate but the king didn't agree to the plan.
  • National Assembly

    National Assembly
    The third estates broke with the others, its delegates voted to rename themselves the National Assembly and this was the beginning of representative government for France.
  • The rights of man

    The rights of man
    In August 26,

    The righst of man was formed to contemp of human rights. The National Assembly wrote their revolutionary about Rights of man, it wrote that " Men are born free and equal in Rights .
  • The new constitution

    The new constitution
    The new constitution was the first written constitution in France, It gave the king very little power. However, They are two groups of people, Some wanted an end to revolutionary changes, Others wanted even more radical change. At the same time, King in other countries scared that the French Revolution would spread to their lands.
  • National convention

    National convention
    In 1792, The National Covention (another new government) . It was formed to to provide a new constitution for the country after the overthrow of the monarchy . It declared Louis a common citizen and then put him to death, Then everything was change because Maximiliem Robespierre began to lead France, He made lots of changes. He killed everyone who didn't agree with him .
  • The Reign of Terror

    The Reign of Terror
    Reign of Terror, also called The Terror, French La Terreur. It began on September 5, 1793 by Maximilien Robespierre and It ended on July 27,1794 because Robespierre himself was put to death .In that time France was ruled by the Terror, People had to be careful of everything they said, what they did, and who they talked to, Because he can kills whoever he wanted. In that time he ordered the death of many people who didn't agree with him.
  • The Directory

    The Directory
    November 2, The Directory was the name of the government that formed and takes control the government of France, it ruled France for four years and it came into power after the "Reign of Terro"
  • Napoleon takes power

    Napoleon takes power
    In 1799 Napoleon Banaparte moves to take over the government in France but by the next year the French government voted Napoleon to be dictator of France. He became the master of France, He led soldiers against French royalist who were attacking the National convention
  • End of French Revolution

    End of French Revolution
    November 9, Napoleon ended the French Revolution