French Revolution

  • 3 states

    In 1700 France "old regime" system was divided into three large classes
  • Period: to

    French Revolution

  • Economy

    By 1780 production and taxes expanded quickly and everytime the government will raise taxes and went bad weather came there was no business for people therefore no money.
  • Gov. and bread price

    The government started to fall in debt and raise taxes while bread cost doubled and faced people into starvation
  • Tax approve meeting

    Instead of cutting all of Frances or his expenses he used the money until he was out. When he wanted to raise taxes they stopped him and have a meeting to approve or disapprove tax raise.
  • End of absolute monarchy

    In this date the the third delegates had a meeting to end the absolute monarchy in France and start a representative government.
  • Bastille prison

    In july 14 a mob looking for gunpowder and arms attacked a Bastille prison which they released all of their prisoners because of the starvation they left them in.
  • Motivation for liberty and justice

    At this date on this night noblemen made grand speeches inspired, motivated for their liberty and justice and stopping an absolute monarchy.
  • Woman mob

    In oct, a woman mob rioted all over Paris because the price of bread was too expensive so they were left in starvation
  • National assembly change

    At 1791 few changes were made in the government, but people still were tired of a absolute monarchy, but still there was a movement in also their society.
  • The End

    In this date the french revolution and the national assembly won when Robespierre went to Guillotine