1776-1863 Timeline

  • Declaration Of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence was the day that Continental Congress voted for Independence.
    This Political Event
  • George Washington was Elected

    George Washington was elected in 1889, and was the first president of the United States of America.
    Politcal Event
  • Meeting of Estates General

    The Clergy, Nobles, and peasents meet to discuss diplomatic matters.
    Politcal event
  • The National Assembly Forms

    This was the enitre third estate delegates meeting to try and create equality throughout France.
    Social Event
  • The Fall of the Bastille

    They attacked this military base, because the revolution needed weapons, gunpowder, and resources. They killed anyone and everyone in their path
    Military Event
  • The Declaration of the Rights of Man

    This was the French Revolution's Constitution, it stated most of their laws and their beliefs.
    Social Events
  • Olympe de Gouges writes the declaration of the rights of women,

    She wrote the Declaration of The Rights of Women, challenged womens equality to men.
  • Louis XVI Executed

    Louis XVI was convicted of conspiracy with foreign powers and sentences to death by guillotine.
    social event
  • The death of Georges Danton

    This was during the Reign of Terror. Robespierre became mad with power and murdered fellow colleagues. Danton died by the guillotine.
    Social Event
  • Robespierre's Execution

    Members of the National Convention were scared and they turned on Robespierre. They executed him by means of the guillotine, ending the Reign of Terror.
    Social Event
  • War of 1812

    The British had stopped America from using some of their ports and imposed too high of taxes, causing the Americans to start a war with Britain.
  • Napoleonic invasion of Russia

    Napoleon invades Russia.
    Military Event
  • Congress of Vienna

    Congress of Vienna was a series of meeting in Vienna to set up policies to establish long-lasting peace and stability on the continent after the defeat of Napoleon.
    Economic Event
  • Napoleon Escapes from Elba

    Napoleon espcaped from Elba after being banished. Louis 18 was crowned ruler, and thats why Napoleon came back.
    Political Event
  • French defeat at Waterloo

    Napoleon lost his biggest battle in present day Belgium.
  • 1842 Mines Act

    Created rules governing who could go into the mines at what age.
    Economic Event
  • Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe

    His book changed the view Americans had on slavery. The book contributed to the outbreak of the Civil War.
    Social Event
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    The treaty to settle differences during the American Civil War
    Cultural Event
  • Factory Act of 1873

    The act occured Britain. It prevented women and children from working over 10 hours per day. The cause was that employers were overworking many employees.
    Economic event
  • The Jungle

    This was when "The Jungle" was published. This was written by Upton Sinclair and was meant to change the government, but actually changed the entire food industry.
    This was a cultural event.