French Revolution

  • Conventing the Estates

    A gatherinng of the different people gather to approve laws for the wellfair of each. Makes up middle class, lower class, and high class.
  • National Convention

    Estates delegates that gather together to pass laws and reforms for the people in all Estates.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    the third estate gathering together, locked themselves in a tennis court and promised not to leave untill a draft of the constitution was writin.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Men and Woman start being in un-rest because the king surronded their area with swiss soldiers. They break into the Bastille To steal weapons and gun powder. In the prcess they released prisoners.
  • Women's March to Versailles

    Thosands of woman led a riot to versailles to demand lower taxes on bread and demanded lower prices from the national assembly, also broke in the house and demanded that Louis leave
  • Period: to

    Marie and Louis Attept Escape

    In disgues, Louis and Marie tried to escape Paris by were caught by peasants and were 'escourted' back
  • Constitution of 1791

    Approved by Louis, passed by the national assembly. Limited Louis's power and brought a constitutional legislative, Also formed the legislative assembly.
  • The Great Fear

    Senseless panic, Peasants Attacking manors, Burning dues, Breaking into Versailles and demanded that marie and louis leave for Paris.
  • Reign of Terror Begins

    Robespierre takes over public safety and his reign is know as reign of terror during his dictatorship.
  • Directory takes over

    After Robespierre's death they were tired of terror so they put five higher middle class people as rulers and excusitive branch. these people were known as The Directory