French revolution

  • Estates General

    This was a meeting between the three groups of people in France, the clergy, the nobles, and the peasants.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    After being locked out of the normal meeting area of Versailles hall, they believed that the king was planning on disbanding them, so they went to a nearby indoor tennis court. There they took an oath never to separate until a written constitution had been established for France
  • National Assembly

    a revolutionary assembly formed by the representatives of the Third Estate of the Estates-General.
  • Storming of Bastille

    This event was when revolutionary insurgents stormed and seized control of the medieval prison/ Armory. They seized the place for its large gunpowder stores.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man

    The French National Constituent Assembly issued the declaration of the rights of man.
  • Women's March on Versailles

    A crowd of over 7,000 Parisians, led by market women, marched to the royal city of Versailles and made demands for bread and political reforms.
  • Revolution and the Church (civil constitution of the church)

    an attempt to reorganize the roman catholic church. Turned many devote Catholics against the revolution.
  • Rise of the Jacobins

    When the constitutional monarchy fell and he King was put on trial for treason in December, the Girondins argued against his execution. The Jacobins thought he needed to die to ensure the safety of the revolution. When the Jacobins were successful the tide turned against the Girondins. The Jacobins in the National Convention had 22 Girondin leaders arrested and executed. The Jacobins had won.
  • Royal Flight to Varennes

    The Queen, King and their immediate family unsuccessfully tried to escape the country.
  • new constitution - Legislative Assembly

    The Legislative Assembly gained power with the creation of the new constitution.
  • Constitution of 1791

    The French constitution was created by the National Assembly. It retained the monarchy, but the power resided in the Legislative Assembly, which was elected by indirect voting.
  • Girondists/ Jacobins

    The Two most prominent groups in the legislative assembly. They had a bitter rivalry.
  • paris commune

    This was the government of Paris from 1789-1795
  • Constitutional Crisis

    The feud between the Jacobins and the Girondists was quite the constitutional crisis
  • Brunswick Manifesto

    The brunswick Duke issued a manifesto that promised that if the French Royal family was not hurt, then the Allies would not loot or harm French civilians.
  • National Convention

    The parliament of the French Revolution, following the two-year National Constituent Assembly as well as the one-year Legislative Assembly.
  • Committee of Public Safety

    The Committee of Public Safety was created by the National Convention, with the intent to defend the nation against foreign and enemies in France, as well as to oversee the new functions of the executive government.
  • Execution of Louis

    King louis was executed by the guillotine
  • San-culottes

    The sans-culottes were the peasant peoples of the lower classes in late 18th-century France, many of whom became partisans of the French Revolution in response to their poor quality of life under the Kings rule.
  • Law of Maximum

    The law of maximum was used for setting price limits and punishing price gouging to attempt to ensure the continued supply of food to the French capital.
  • Reign of Terror

    The Reign of Terror was a point of the French Revolution where, after the creation of the First Republic, a series of massacres and executions occurred.
  • The Directory

    The new government for France.