French Revolution

  • Estates General Meeting

    Estates General Meeting
    A meeting held by the 1st estate, to bring the nobles, bourgeoisie, and Clergies to talk and discuss. The bourgeoise were locked out of the meeting and furious.
  • National Assembly Formed

    National Assembly Formed
    An assembly made by the representatives of the 3rd Estate. Made to discuss the revolution.
  • Tennis Court Oath declared

    Tennis Court Oath declared
    When the door to the Estates General Meeting was locked, and the people from the 3rdEstate that weren't invited couldn't get in, they formed a little meeting themselves in a tennis court near by. They discussed what they wanted from the government and agreed to fight for a better society.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    Military went against the commoners, commoners fought back and won. Bastille was the setting because there was gun powder in there and after the military surrendered, the people took down and destroyed Bastille, which was a prison, brick by brick
  • Declaration of Rights of Man

    Declaration of Rights of Man
    A declaration made by the national assembly. Demanding equal rights, pay and complaints for the government from the people of the 3rd Estate
  • Legislative Assembly makes laws in France

    Legislative Assembly makes laws in France
    After the declaration is out and he King is fully aware of the problem with the 3rd estate, the Legislative Assembly starts to help them out more. The Assembly makes new laws to try and satisfy the people.
  • Execution of King Louis

    Execution of King Louis
    King Louis is killed after he is caught trying to escape his country to find an army to fight with him against the people of France so that he would regain full power again. He was killed using the famous guillotine in front of all the civilians.
  • Reign of Terror

    Reign of Terror
    When Robespierre had a lot of power over the people of France during the rev. he slaughtered anyone who disagreed with his ideas. It was a year of hundreds of thousands of slaughter across France.
  • Execution of Robespierre

    Execution of Robespierre
    Robespierre was put to death by the guillotine after he had been going against his followers and causing conflict with them. They finally put an end to his reign of terror as well.
  • Dechristianization

    Robespierre was trying to make people non christians and abolish any sort of christian holiday, street names and simple things. He tried to create another religion where the people worship a journalist.
  • Committee of Public Safety governs France

    Committee of Public Safety governs France
    When Robespierre and some of his followers created a group to keep the 3rd estate in check and all in the same page. Safety was not their number one priority but keeping the rev. intact was, so he would punish any that went against him.
  • The Directory Controls France

    The Directory Controls France
    After Robespierre is killed, a group of 12 men lead in ending the revolution. The directory stays in power for around 4-5 years until Napoleon crowns himself ruler of France.
  • Napoleon takes over in a coup d'atat

    Napoleon takes over in a coup d'atat
    Napoleon seizes power in France after he is known as a war hero. He comes back from battle and has many people telling him he should rule France.
  • Napoleon Signs Concordat with Catholic Church

    Napoleon Signs Concordat with Catholic Church
    Napoleon has an agreement between government and church. To divide the power between both and limit the church power.
  • Napoleonic Code

    Napoleonic Code
    Napoleon created a list of civil laws/rules for the people to follow. He also made a government system, so the powers are divided
  • Napoleon crowns himself Emperor of France

    Napoleon crowns himself Emperor of France
    After some time in power, Napoleon crowns himself emperor of France. It went against one of the rev. goals, which was no monarchy or extremely powerful leader.
  • Napoleon dies, after being banished to Island of St. Helena

    Napoleon dies, after being banished to Island of St. Helena
    Napoleon is banished from France because he was fighting too many battles and focusing on foreign conflicts more then ruling France. So, he was banished from France to an island and he stayed there isolated till he died