French revolution

  • The beging of the french revoltion

    The beging of the french revoltion
    Louis xvi takes the throne at the age of 14. Was a weak leader who was often dominated by his wife, marie antoniette.
  • french revoultion

    french revoultion
    the people of paris strom the bastille wich is a much hated prison. was actual the when the french revoltion began.
  • french revoultion

    National assembly aptoed the declartion of rights of amn and of citizen. Graunted the liberty, property, securtiy, and resistance to oppression to all people.
  • The great fear

    The great fear
    The great fear begins, peasants were feraful becase the nobles were hiring outlaws to terroize them. Peasnted rited against the king stromed versailes and demand that louis and marie antonette come to paris, which is the captial.
  • French revoultion

    national assembly disbandes, but before that they created a constitaltional monarchy: it took power away from the king, they also created bascially french laws.
  • French revoltion

    French revoltion
    Austria and prussia, who supported louis XV, sent troops to paris to help.
  • French revoultion

    20,000 parisans invade the royal place, louis, marie antointte and their childern imprisoned.
  • French revoultion

    French revoultion
    The national convention abolishes the monarchy and declares france as a republic. All adult male citizen are granted bthe right to vote and hold offiice. wohmen not given the same rights.
  • The war begins

    The war begins
    Great brittin, holland and spain joined prussia and asturi and fighting france. The National Assembly drafts 3,000,000 ctizzen into the army to fight.
  • French revoltion

    French revoltion
    Revolution leader macimllien gather power and becomes the leader, decied who was the emeny of the sate and had them killed.
  • French revoultion

    Robespiree run the the goverment as a dietractor. 3,000 people was killed in paris and more than 40,000 people were killed during his rule.
  • French revoltion

    French revoltion
    Marie anttiote was killed. Revolution courts declare death sentcen on thosethat changlle the king.
  • French revoltion

    French revoltion
    Louis is no longer the king, the radical jacobins tried louis for treason and found him guilty. He is sentenced to death.
  • French revoltion

    French revoltion
    Louis is no longer king, The radical jacbins tried him for treason and found him gulity. Louis is sentenced to death.
  • The death of louis XVI

    Louis XVI is sencted to death and exeecuted.
  • Rosbelpre gets killed

    Rosbelpre gets killed
    The national commite turns on rosblpe. Later on they sentence him to death and he is bheaed.
  • French revoultion ends

    Moderate leaders in national convection draft a new constition.It created 2 house ligislature know as the directory. Noplean choosen to lead france.
  • Noplean

    Noplean takes charged as an emperie of france.