French Revolution $$$

  • Start of the 7 year war.

    Start of the 7 year war.
    A far fought between France and the Indians. Often called the 'French and Indian War'.
  • Louis XVI is crowned.

    Louis XVI is crowned.
    Louis the 16th is crowned King of France. He is corinated at Reims.
  • France and Britian go to war.

    France and Britian go to war.
    France declares war on Great Britian. They declare was to help America.
  • Jacques Necker's document is published.

     Jacques Necker's document is published.
    French economy is very unstable and in great debt. But when Necker releases this document, it leads French people to believe the economy is stable.
  • Ségur Ordinance.

    Ségur Ordinance.
    The Ségur Ordinance is put into affect. This oprevents anyone who is not a noble from entering the armed forces. They must prove they have at least four generations of nobility.
  • Laki Eruption, The Little Iceage, and Famine.

    Laki Eruption, The Little Iceage, and Famine.
    Famine and malnutrition are becoming more widespread. This is an effect of the Laki Eruption, colder climatesdue to The Little Iceage, and France's failure to adopt the potatoe as a stable crop.
  • Treaty of Paris is signed.

    Treaty of Paris is signed.
    The Treaty of Paris is signed and ends the war. America's victory cause France to take action and start rebelling also.
  • Diamond Necklace Affair.

    Diamond Necklace Affair.
    Marie Antoinette was involved with a crime involving the defraud of a diamond necklace. This worsened her rep, which was already bad.
  • Royals are declared insolvent.

    Royals are declared insolvent.
    Calonne tells Louis that the royals are incapable of paying taxes.
  • Assembly of Noteables.

    Assembly of Noteables.
    The first Assembly of the Noteables takes place. This assembly is a group of noteables invited by the king to discuss important matters.
  • Louis dismisses workers.

    Louis dismisses workers.
    King Louis fires Calonne and Miromesnil. He does this to try to keep people in line and stop Enlightenment ideas from reaching the people.
  • Calonne publishes his ideas.

    Calonne publishes his ideas.
    Calonne publishes his ideas, and the noteables refuse to cooperate. This causes an uproar umong the people.
  • Louis replaces Miromesnil.

    Louis replaces Miromesnil.
    Louis replaces Miromesnil with Lamoignon. Lamoignon is the new keeper of the seals.
  • First National Assembly meeting.

    Members of the third estate declared themselevs the 'National Assembly'.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Men

    Declaration of the Rights of Men
    The National Assembly wrote this documet. It's their views on how the government should be, based on the American government and Enlightenment ideas.
  • Palace is stormed.

    Palace is stormed.
    King Louis 16th agrees to ratify the August Decrees. Meeanwhile, his castle is stormed, and he is moved to Paris.
  • King Louis Killed

    King Louis Killed
    King Louis the 16th was assasinated. It took place at the Place de la Révolution.