French Rev.WeberL

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    Deficit Spending

    No money The 1st and 2nd Estates didn't have to pay taxes so the 3rd Estate had to support all the spending habits and emense debt of the country from war and spending on luxuries. So when there was a food shortage the 3rd Estate couldn't get food also because of low wages and inflation.
  • Calling The Estates General

    Calling The Estates General
    King Louis XVI called the Estates General, they meet in Versailles for the first time in 175 years, Each of the 3 Estates were represented. They meet to Reform laws and society.
  • Storming the Bastille

    Storming the Bastille
    An angrey peasant mob stormed the Bastille because it remided them of old feudal power and to get gun powder and weapons.
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    National Assembly Acts

    The National Assembly created the Declaration of the Rights of Man on Aug. 4, this made all men equal.This basically eliminated the 3 Estates. They put the Church under state control this created a divide between radicals that wanted it and conservatives that liked a powerful Church. The National Assembly also created the Constitution of 1791 that got rid of the King and the Absolute monarchy and set up a Legislative Assembly that ruled France.
  • Revolt

    Many different groups were competeing for control of the Revolution in Paris. In villages peasants were raiding noble's mansions for bread because of the food shortages.
  • Threats from abroud

    Threats from abroud
    The Queen's brother ruled Austria so when the royal family was in danger Austria and Prussia threatened to invade France with the Declaration of Pilnitz. Then England, Spain, Netherlands also threatened and attacked.
  • March on Versailles

    March on Versailles
    The working women of Paris marched to the king's palace in Versailles and demanded bread and that the royal family move to Paris, because they were starving and were angered at the life of luxury that the royal family was living. The angry mob eventually broke through the gates and killed the guards and left he kingand queen no other option but to come to Paris.
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    Working class men and women formed the group sans-culottes or without breeches. The Sans-culotts pushed the revolution into a more radical stage. They got support in the Legislative Assembly from the Jacobins and other radical groups, they demanded a republic government.
  • The National Convention

    The National Convention
    In Paris the Radical groups seized control of the National Assembly and called for a new legislature. They elected the National Convention which was controled by the more radical groups.
  • Monachy is Abolished

    Monachy is Abolished
    The Monarchy was abolished by the National Convention and king Louis XVI was tried before the Convention. He was convited of being a traitor and was execute Then in October the Queen Mary Antoinette was also executed.
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    Reign of Terror

    The Convention created the Cpmmittee of Public Saftey ,that was based in Paris, it had 12 members and was in charge of carring out the trials and executions with the Guillotine. Robespierre was the leading figure of the Committe that was calling for blood. The Reigh of Terror ended when Robespierre was taken to the Guillotine.
  • Spread of Nationalism

    Spread of Nationalism
    As the Revolution gave way France became a country at war. This gave the French people a sense of pride and loyalty in thier country instead of loyalty to the monarchy and local authorities. Also the countries that were being taken over by the French gained a sense of Nationalism because they didn't have to live under thier monarchs.
  • The Third Stage of The Revolution

    The Third Stage of The Revolution
    After Robespierre and other radical leaders were executed the Revolution entered it's third stage. Executions slowed down and the Constitution of 1795 was made it presented a five man Directory and a two-house Legislature.