French Monarchs

  • Henry IV of France

    Henry IV of France
    Henry IV of France (1589-1610)
    Birthdate: December 13, 1553
    Death: May 14, 1610
    -First French Monarch of the House of Bourbon
    -Brokered the Peace of Vervins between France and Spain
    -Issued the Edict of Nantes
    -Lowered taxes on French citizens
    -Made peace with Ottoman Empire
    Considering the fact that Henry IV of France granted freedom to protestants, lowered taxes, and made peace Ottoman empire, I give him an A.
    -Opened up trade routes to East Asia
  • Louis XIII of France

    Louis XIII of France
    Louis XIII of France
    Birth year: 1601
    -Became king at the age of 9
    -France became governed by a Regent (his mother)
    -1617 Marie de Medici is sent to be exiled
    -Married Anne of Austria and united the French and Spanish empires
    -Expansion of monarchial power
    - Victory against the Huguenots in 1628 at La Rochelle
    -Declared war on Spain in 1635 (upset his wife)
    I give him a C because he did a few good things for France but it was bad of him to kill his mother and declared war on Spain
  • Louis XIV

    Louis XIV
    Louis XIV
    Birthdate: September 5 1638
    Death date: September 1, 1715
    -Established reforms that cut France's deficit and promoted industrial growth
    -Improved system of taxation
    -Created programs and institutes for arts to be brought into the French culture
    -Invaded the Spanish Netherlands in 1667
    -Franco-Dutch War
    - 'Nine Years War'
    -Generated public hostility by 1680's
    I give him a B because he improved France's taxes and indutrial works but he often went to war.
  • Louis XV of France

    Louis XV of France
    Louis XV
    Birthdate: February 15,1710
    Death Date: May 1,1774
    -War of Austrian Succession
    -Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle ended the war in 1748
    -Defeated and surrendered in Seven Years War
    -Damaged France's foreign relations and worsened the country's finacial problems
    Considering the fact that Louis XV was not liked by the citizens because he spent too much money and didnt't care to be a leader, I give him a F
  • Louis XVI of France

    Louis XVI of France
    Louis XVI
    Birthdate: August 23, 1754
    - invoked an edict that granted French non-Catholics right to practice their faith
    -Supported the American colonies' fight for independence
    -put the country in near bankruptcy
    -Resisted the National Assembly and riots broke out
    -Tried to escape the Eastern frontier and lost all credibility as a monarch
    - Found guilty by National Assembly & charged with treason
    I give him a D, because he supported the Americans but he put France in dept and fled.
  • Louis XVII of France

    Louis XVII of France
    Louis XVII
    Birthdate: March 27, 1785
    Death date: June 8, 1795
    -Named the Duke of Normandy at the time of his birth
    -After the death of his brother, Louis Joseph, he became heir to the French Throne
    - Royal family was forced to flee Versailles in 1789
    -Louis was cared by Antoine Simon and died from tuberculosis
    I give him an F because he did nothing as a king, for he was only 10 years old.