French and Haitian Revolutions

  • French forces admit defeat to the slave armies and evacuate their forces

    French forces admit defeat to the slave armies and evacuate and which led to chaos.
  • Meeting of Estates General

    The Meeting of the Estates General was a big assembly representing all of the french estates. Beginning with the clergy(first estate), the nobility (second estates) and the commons (third estates).
  • Storming of the Bastille

    The Storming of the Bastille led to citizens having a revolt against the french.
  • Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizens

    The government and Representatives declared rights of man to be free and equal rights which led to men being free and having equal rights.
  • March of Versailles

    women were getting ignored by the community and the king because they had no rights so they revolted against the king. Which led to women having rights.
  • Beheading of King Louis the XIV

    King Louis the XIV was beheaded and it led to a new King
  • Gens De Colour demand equal rights from France

    He wanted to consider color people with equal rights. Also, made equal rights for the slaves
  • The French National Assembly granted free blacks full french rights in Saint Domingue

    Wanted backs to have equal rights. Which led to an argument for the full rights for free blacks.
  • Reign of Terror

    Their were public executions and over 40, 000 lost their lives.
  • The Colony " Saint-Domingue" is abolished

    In 1659 Saint Domingue was founded and by 1804 every soldier or slave left the colony and sailed away which led to the abolished of Saint Domingue and then becoming Haiti.
  • Napoleon is Emperor

    Napoleon is crowned Napoleon I. Led to many chaos with other countries and losing lives.