
F - French Revolution

By dths
  • The National Assembly and Tennis Court Oath

    The National Assembly and Tennis Court Oath
    The Third Estate was comprised of everyone, but nobles and clergy; representing 96% of the population. They evolved into the National Assembly. The National Assembly wanted reforms limiting the king’s power. When the National Assembly entered the king’s palace, the doors were locked to their meeting place so they decided to go to the only other place open, which was the indoor tennis court. Their vow to stay together until a new constitution was written is known as the Tennis Court Oath.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    On July 14, 1789 a mob marched to the Bastille consisting of De Launay the governor looking for gunpowder and prisoners held hostage by the king. The mob fought and demanded the bridges to be lowered, but were refused. De Launay sent a note to the besiegers explaining lots of gunpowder was under them and if they didn’t leave it would be set off. After the bridges were lowered the mob crowded the streets capturing the enemies. The mob walked on the streets with their captives chopping heads off.
  • Assembly General Meeting

    In 1789, King Louis XVI ordered a meeting of the Estates General, an assembly of all three French social classes. The purpose was to discuss and vote on possible solutions to France’s financial crisis, specifically the issue of taxation and who is to be taxed. Also, social tensions arose due to the first and second estates’ policy of only taxing the third estate. The third and first estates broke off into their own representative body, and re-wrote the French constitution to meet their demands.
  • Declaration of The Rights of Man

    Declaration of The Rights of Man
    On august 27, 1789, a group of representatives of the French people ordered a National Assembly thinking that ignorance, neglect, or contempt of the rights of men is the reason why theirs public disaster and corruption in the government. This was presented to the world as an overview of the ideals and principles of the Revolution, and justified the distruction of the government. The declaration also became the intro to the Constitution of 1791.
  • The Women's March on Versailles

    On October, 5 1789 French women gathered in Paris to start a violent event called the Womens March on Versailles. Breadwas an essential food in this time period, so the king increased the price to make it harder for the commoners to survive. The usual instinct of a woman is to feed their families. The 6,000 women that began to march, attracted other women to join them. Once they reached Versailles, they stormed through the gates and demanded the king to give the bread back.
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    Legislative Assembly

  • National Convention and Execution of Louis XVI

    National Convention and Execution of Louis XVI
    The National Convention was the French government assembled of around 370 people during this time period. In 1792, the national convention decided to get rid of the monarchy, and have the people rule France instead of the King. Louis XVI was the King during this time and people believed rumors that he wanted to get rid of the national assembly. However, he was then forced to follow the new constitution, which included changes about the monarchy. He was then accused of treason and late, executed.
  • Committee of Public Safety

    Committee of Public Safety
    On April 6, 1793 The Committee of Public Safety was assembled by the Girodins in order to maintain order and protect Frane. Shortly after, the Committee was ceased by Maximellen Robespierre who then rose to power. By September 1793 Robespierre began to execute people for betraying the revolution. During this Reign of Terror 50,000 people were killed at the guillotine. On July 27, 1794 Robespierre was arrested and exedcuted, marking the end of the Reign of Terror.
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    The Directory

    The civilians had grown tired of the chaos in their community. They were more than ready for change. In 1795, the republic of France died and a new form of government called the Directory was created. This new government was a body of five directors that now had the executive power in France. The Directory was a lot more conservative than the past government. It wasn't long before the men began to abuse their power. Therefore, the Directory was unpopular to the civilians and failed.
  • Napoleon Bonaparte Rise & Fall

    Napoleon Bonaparte Rise & Fall
    Between 1796-1800 Napoleon proved himself a worthy leader through military achievements. As First Consul he improved relations with the Pope and the education system. In 1802, he gave himself the title Consul for Life and crowned himself Emperor of France in 1804. Attempting to conquer Russia, he was forced to retreat by the harsh winter conditions. Napoleon fought off numerous enemies including Spain and Portugal while leading his army back to France. Napoleon was exiled to the island of Elba.
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    The Consulate

    The Consulate was a government in France following the fall of the Directory.The Consulate was formed with Napoleon Bonaparte, Abbe Sieyes and Roger Ducos as its consuls. Napoleon Bonaparte, held all real power, while the other two men served only as leaders in name. The principles of representation and legislative supreme authority had been gotten rid of. Also, the executive branch was given the power to draft new laws.The consulate was later abolished by Napoleon.
  • The Assembly of Jewish Notables

    The Assembly of Jewish Notables
    July 26, 1806, Napoleon Bonaparte decided to call a meeting to determine the status of Jews living within the French society. The Assembly of Jewish Notables was questioned about subjects that included polygamy, loyalty, intermarriage, and loaning money, to determine weather they were Frenchman or Jews. The Assembly replied acceptably to Napoleon stating their duty to obey the laws of the state, like all Frenchman.
  • French Sanhederin

    French Sanhederin
    Napoleon Bonaparte decided to call another meeting with the Jewish assembly, but this time it was to reestablish the Sanhedrin. The Sanhedrin is the highest court of justice and supreme council of the Jews. The object of this assembly was to convert the secular answers given by the assembly of Jewish Notables into doctrinal decisions. the nine regulations issued by the Sanhedrin were confirmed. Jews would then agree to honor France and French laws while also keeping their religious observance.
  • Congress of Vienna

    Congress of Vienna
    The Congress of Vienna was a series of international meetings between the great four powers of Britain, Austria, Russia, and Prussia that took place in Vienna, Austria. The purpose at this time was to restore order in France and fix the mess that Napoleon had made. The Congress of Vienna’s main goals were to create a balance of power in Europe in order to prevent imperialism, to restore “legitimate” governments back into power, and to establish a boundary settlement regarding the borders of Fran
  • The Legislative Assembly

    The Legislative Assembly
    The Legislative Assembly was the governing body of France, among 745 members. It was the first attempt for a constitutional monarchy, in between the National Constituent Assembly and the National Convention. It had many troubles and was a failure. The lower class was upset because they were not represented and the peasants were angry because their priests had been cast out. Other governments did not like the treatment of the royal family and the nobles. The assembly left behind national chaos.