Events from Haiti,South and Central America

  • Brazil's Royal Liberator

    Brazil's Royal Liberator
    *In 180, Napoleon's armies inavded both Spain and Portugal.
    *Napoleon's aim was to close the ports of these conutries to Bristish Shipping.
  • Bolivar's Route to Victory

    Bolivar's Route to Victory
    Venezuela declared its independence from Spain.
  • Mexico Ends Spanish Rule

    Mexico Ends Spanish Rule
    Padre Miguel Hidalgo a priest in the small village of Dolores, took the first step toward independence.
  • Mexico Ends Spanish Rule

    Mexico Ends Spanish Rule
    A creole officer, Agustin de Iturbide, defeated him. (Jose Maria Morelos)
  • San Martin Leads Southern Liberation Forces

    San Martin Leads Southern Liberation Forces
    San Martin's Argentina had declared its independence.
  • San Martin Leads Southern Liberation

    San Martin Leads Southern Liberation
    Led army on a grueling cross to andes to Chile.
  • San Martin Leads Southern Liberation Forces

    San Martin Leads Southern Liberation Forces
    San Martin's Argentina had declared its independence.
  • Bolivar's Route to Victory

    Bolivar's Route to Victory
    Bolivar had won Venezuela's Independence.
  • Brazil's Royal Liberator

    Brazil's Royal Liberator
    *Creoles demanded Brazil's independence from Portugal. Eight Thousands Brazilians signed a petition asking Don Pedro to rule.
    *On September 7, 1822he officially declared Brazil's Independence.