
  • The Revolution Enters its Third Stage

    • Moderates produced another constitution which was the third one.
    • Politicians used Napoleon toadvance their goals that they have.
    • The rising of the bread prices made the Sansculottes to riet.
  • Divided the French Society

    Divided french society:The 1st estate who is based on the clergy, then theres the 2nd estate which is based on the Nobles, then lastly theres the 3rd estate that is based on the peasents.
  • Finacial Troubles

    -louis xvi calls the estates- general. All the three estates were presant.
    - 1st and 2nd out voted the 3rd estate.
    The 3rd estate created a national assembly and took over the tennis court oath.
    - The peasents meet whenever it was possible.
  • Finatual Troubles

    -Deficit spending on the seventh day of war an the american Revolution.
    -Bad harvest which led to food prices increasing and the taxes. - Louis xvi lived lavishly -
  • Darisaians storm the bastille

    -800 parisians assembled outside the Bastille for the demand of gunpowder and weapons.
    - The commander inside refused to open the door which led to open fire on the crowd and the Bastille.
    - The crowd broke in, killed the commander and five of the gaurds. They also let all the prisiners free.
    They found no gun powder or weapons.
  • Womens March

    • six thousand women marched because the taxes on bread.
    • The women refused to depart Versaillesuntill the King returned to paris.
  • Revolt

    • Was cuased by the great fear.
    • There was a famine; food shortage, bread cost cost 1 moth earnings. -Political crises -Unemployment -Rumers;attack on villages and government troops taking crops. -The peasents set fires and stole grain.
  • Church

    • The church is placed under state control.
    • National Assembly placed the French Catholic Church under state control. -The Bishops and priests were elected to be salaried officials.
    • The Bishops and the Preists both refused to accept.
  • Threats from abroud

    • When Luis xvi failed his escape he brought futher hostile rumblings from abroad.
    • The King of Prussia, emperor of Austria issued the Decloration of Pilnitz.
  • National Assembly Acts

    • Caused by revolts,and the Bastille.
    • Nobles agreed to give up; manorial due, hunting rights, legal status, and the Exemtion from taxes.
    • Feuddalism is Abolished.
  • Rigts of man

    • Declared that all men were to be created equal.
    • Male citizens equal
    • Right to hold offece. -Freedom of religion.
    • Taxes to be levied so that everone will pay instead of the 3rd estate or the peasents.
  • The Cilvil War

    • The Radicals take over.
    • New elected Legislative.
    • Currency dropped in value, making the prices increase which also led to hoarding and caused additional food shortages. -Thesans-culottes were the people without breeches,who demanded a republic or government that ruled and elected representatives instead of Monarch.
  • The Monarchy Abolished

    • A crowd of parisians stormed the royal palace.
    • The king and queen fled to the legislative assemble.
    • People attacted prisons, about 1,200 prisiners were killed.
    • Sufferage was the right to vote, givin to men.
    • Voted to abolish Monarcy and astabish the French Republic.
  • The Monarchy Abolished

    • the king was exacuted
  • Robespirre and the reigh of terror

    -France was at war with Europe, Britain, Neverlands, Spain, and Prussia.
    - The convention creates a new committee to with the threats that are towards to them.
  • Spread of Nationalism

    • The revolution/ war gave the french people a strong sence of the national identity.
    • National is a srpng feeling of pride in and devotion to ones country, it spead through france.
    • France was a nation in arms.
  • The monarcy is abolished

    Marie Antoinettw was executed.
  • The Revolution Enters its Third Stage

    • The constitution set up a five man Directory/ Two house legislative elected by male citizens of the property.
    • The directory held power.
  • The Constitutin

    -This establishes a new government.
    - Set up a limited monarchy instead of the absolute.
    - New legislative assembly had power to make the laws, collect taxes, and to deside the issues of the war and peace.
    - The government is more efficient.