
Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla

  • Birth

    Miguel Hidalgo was born on May 8, 1753 in San Diego Corralejo, Guanajuato
  • Family

    His parents was Cristóbal Hidalgo y Costilla and Ana María Gallaga. He had 3 brothers.
    Miguel and his brothers lost their mother in 1762.
  • Studies

    He studied at a Jesuit secundary school called San Francisco in Valladolid.
  • Expulsion of Jesuits

    He saw the expulsion of jesuits in Nueva España
  • High school

    High school
    He finished high school of arts in La Real y Pontificia Universidad de México.
  • Life in Church

    Life in Church
    Miguel Hidalgo was ordained as a priest. He received the sacrament by the bishop.
  • His life as a teacher

    He was a Theology teacher for 10 years and after that he was a Colegio of San Nicolás principal.
  • His goals.

    He won an award and after that he implemented a new study techniques in San Nicolás school.
  • Arrigments for Miguel Hidalgo

    1. He read forbidden books. 2. He badly advised. 3. He didn't respect the Church´s law
  • Secret Societies

    Secret Societies
    He with other mexicans formed secret societis and they made plans for the Independence.
  • Independence of Mexico

    Independence of Mexico
    On September 16, 1810 he rang the church bell in Dolores and started the Independence of Mexico.
  • Death

    Hidalgo was shot in Chihuahua and his head was sent to Guanajuato.
  • The heads of the liders

    The heads of the liders
    The heads of Miguel Hidalgo, Ignacio Allende, Juan Aldama and Mariano Jiiménez arrived in Guanajuato to be displayed in the Alhóndiga as a lesson.