
Consolidation to the Independence ok New Spain

  • Series of Reforms to Recover Power Of the Empire

    Series of Reforms to Recover Power Of the Empire
    At the end of the War of Succesion in 1714, Philip V, from the Bourbon dynasty, implemented a series of reforms to recover the power of the Empire; he sought to centralize power in the monarch and to make a more efficent collection of taxes and tributes.
  • A million and Half of natives

    A million and Half of natives
  • Period: to

    Reforms in the Iberian Peninsula

    Reforms were first established in the Iberian Peninsula and later, during the mid-eighteenth century. They were first applied in New Spain and consolidated during yhe reign ok King Charles III from 1759 to 1788
  • The Independence Of the Thirdteen British Colonies

    The Independence Of the Thirdteen British Colonies
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
  • Jose Bonapate Leads The Throne

    Jose Bonapate Leads The Throne
    In 1808, Napoleon's troops, under the command of José Bonaparte, entered Spain, putting King Charles IV in an untenable situation, Napoleon Bonaparte, forced him to leave the throne to his brother at an event called "abdcation of Bayonne".
  • Spanish Liberalism And The Constitution Of Cadiz

  • Insurgents and Royalists in the Independence Movement

  • Social Thinking Of the Insurgents

  • Iguala Plan, Independence of Mexico

    Iguala Plan, Independence of Mexico
  • Resistance and Guerrilla Warfare