
cole's life

  • Birthday

    I was born on May 20 ,2000 sometime in the day. i was put in Intensive care for 2 weeks. I couldnt breath so i had to have a air tube for 1 month.
  • Sister was Born

    Sister was Born
    This was a start of a good and very bad lifetime. she was born at 11:56 at night. My mom had to stay in the hospital for 1 week after sydney was born
  • My first dog

    My first dog
    This was the best day of my life. Josie had puppies and thats how I got Brinley and randy the best pair of dogs ever. She wasnt all good though she eat part of a wall and my dads car seats.
  • First day of kindergarten

    First day of kindergarten
    The first day of kindergarten was when I met Kobe, Melissa, Mckenna, and Roane. I was so happy to start kindergarten but now i reliaze school sucks. I will miss St. Marys and the memories i have there.
  • The puppies were born

    The puppies were born
    the puppies were born there was 9 and brinley my dog was almost dead. she was the 4th one and we had to keep her warm and hydrated.
  • First gun

    First gun
    I got this gun when my grandpa died from cancer. He left it in his will that i get this and the rest of his hunting stuff. He was the best grandpa i ever had
  • I get braces

    I get braces
    I got braces and it hurts to get them on. I got the metal ones with blue bands. i couldnt eat solid food for a week
  • My first pistol

    My first pistol
    this is a pistol i got from my great uncle when he wasa moving. This pistol is worth about 789$ with both magazines it is worth 850$ approxmitly. It has been a great gun so far.
  • First deer

    First deer
    I was hunting in minnisota with my grandpa. I was with my cousins and i shot the deer right by a runway. I almost got arested by airport secruity.
  • I get my drivers permit

    I get my drivers permit
    This was an awesome day. I got a perfect score on my test. I got to drive home that day.
  • i get my restricted licence

    i get my restricted licence
    This was an even better day. I got to drive to minnisota by my self to visit my grandmas house. I was caught in a snow storm.
  • computer class

    computer class