1200 BCE
Is known as the mother of all cultures.
This culture was located in the golf of Mexico. -
Period: 1200 BCE to 400
1000 BCE
The Mayans
The Mayans are the civilization that ruled Mesoamerica for 18 centuries.
They invented the only complete writing system in pre-Columbian America. -
Period: 1000 BCE to 1527
The Mayans
800 BCE
It is located in the southwestern end of the Basin of Mexico.
Cuicuilco could be one of the oldest important cultures in the Valley of Mexico.
Cuicuilco was destroyed by the eruption of the Xitle volcano. -
Period: 800 BCE to 250
500 BCE
This culture is one of the oldest cultures in Mexico.
This culture was located in the oxaca valley and the Isthmus of Tehuantepec.
His most important city is Monte Alban. -
500 BCE
The pre-Columbian civilizations of Mesoamerica used corn as their basic food, as well as the modern society of this same region.
Currently the toponymy of Tlaxcala is derived from the Nahuatl: tlaxcalli tlán: place of tortilla. -
Period: 500 BCE to 900
100 BCE
This name is used to refer to the people who lived in the city of Teotihuacan.
The history of the people of this culture is unknown. -
Period: 100 BCE to 650
27 BCE
Foundation of the roman empire
1 CE
Birth of Christ
Fall of the Western Roman Empire
They used to live in the Hidalgo valley.
His most important city is Tula. -
Period: 650 to 1168
It was conformed by Texcoco, Tlacopan and Mexico-Tenochtitlan. They founded the city of Teotihuacan known as "The Venice of the new world" by the spanish conquerors.
They were the most powerful city of Mesoamerica. -
Boturini Codex
It narrates the origin of the Mexicas.
It was made in Amate paper. -
Pozole originated with the Aztecs and other indigenous tribes in Mesoamerica. Historical texts state that the pozole of the Natives was made with sacrificed human flesh.
After the spanish the human flesh was replaced with pork. -
Period: 1325 to 1521
Fall of the Eastern Roman Empire
Aug 13, 1521
Fall of Tenochtitlan
Lienzo de Quauhquechollan
Contains information about the conquest of the manors located in present-day Guatemala. -
Borbonic Codex
Its Made in amate paper.
Its on the Chamber of Deputies of Paris. -
Huamantla Codex
It establish the history of the otomies in Huamantla. -
Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz (1648-1695)
She used to write with a complex vocabulary.
To read her poetry you need a lot of context.
She wrote "El primer sueño". -
Mexican Independence
Period: to
Mexican Independence
Chiles en Nogada
There are many versions of the origins of the "Chiles en Nogada", the most popular says that they where created in 1821 by the Monjas Agustinas in Puebla, to celebrate the mexican independence day. -
Mexican National Anthem
It was officially adopted in 1943.
The letter was write by Francisco González Bocanegra.
It was composed by Jaime Nunó. -
Juventino Rosas (1868-1894)
He was a Mexican compositor.
He used to compose polkas, waltzes, dances and marches.
He's known by the Waltz "Sobre las olas". -
Gerardo Murillo (1875-1964)
He was known as "Dr. Atl".
He used to paint volcanoes. -
Manuel M. Ponce (1882-1948)
Manuel M. Ponce also known as "the father of mexican musical nationalism", he writted songs like "Estrellita" and Mexican Rapsody 1 and 2, he also won the national science and arts award. -
María Grever (1885-1951)
She was the first mexican woman in be an orchestra director, she had some songs that were popular like the song "Ruiseñor", but her most popular song was one called "Júrame". -
David Alfaro Siqueiros (1896-1974)
He was communist.
"Marcha de la humanidad" was his most important painting. -
Rufino Tamayo (1899-1991)
He was known by painting watermelons.
Less political than other muralists. -
María Izquierdo (1902-1955)
She studied in "Bellas Artes".
One of her teachers was Diego Rivera.
One of the first women in be a muralist. -
Remedios Varo (1908-1963)
She used to paint a lot of bugs.
Her paintings were surrealists. -
Frida Kahlo (1910-1954)
Her life was very tragic.
She married Diego Rivera. -
Mexican Revolution
Period: to
Mexican Revolution
Jorge Negrete (1911-1953)
Also known as "El Charro Cantor", he sang songs of the Mexican regional genre, he had songs like "Ay Jalisco no te rajes" and "Mexico lindo y querido". -
Leonora Carrington (1914-1998)
Her paintings were surrealists.
Her paintings used to have a lot of surrealism. -
Octavio Paz (1914-1998)
One of the most predominant Mexican poets.
He wrote "El laberinto de la soledad".
He won a nobel award. -
World War I
Period: to
World War I
Pedro Infante (1917-1957)
He was a singer and an actor in golden age of the mexican cinema, he had some songs that are still very famous in mexico like "Amorcito Corazon" and "Me canse de rogarte". -
Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo House Studio Museum
Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo lived here.
There are two different houses separated by a bridge.
The houses were designed by Juan O’Gorman. -
Gabriel Siria Levario (1931-1966)
Known as "Javier Solís", he was a singer and a mexican actor, he sang songs of the Mexican regional genre, he sang songs like "Esclavo y amo" and "En tu pelo". -
The Palacio de Bellas Artes
It was inaugurated in 1934.
It is located in the historic center of Mexico City.
It's considered the most important in the manifestation of the arts in Mexico. -
Creation of the INAH
World War II
Period: to
World War II
Vicente Fernández (1940-2021)
He was known as "El Charro de Huentitán".
He won 2 Grammys and 8 Latinos Grammy.
He has a star in Hollywood.
He used to sing Regional Mexican. -
Huapango by José Pablo Moncayo
It was composed by José Pablo Moncayo.
It's considered the second Mexican anthem.
It was composed from the reinterpretation of the traditional rhythms of the huapango. -
Creation of The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
Creation of the INBAL
Centro urbano Presidente Alemán
Built in 1947 and inagurated two years after.
CUPA was promoted by the first Civilian President of Mexico, Mr. Miguel Alemán Valdés.
Its located in Mexico , in the neighborhood of Colonia del Valle an area of the Benito Juárez delegation. -
Luis Barragán House and Studio
It is the only individual property in Latin America that is considered cultural heritage by UNESCO.
It was designed by Luis Barragan.
He lived here until his dead in 1988. -
Juan Gabriel (1950-2016)
He was known as "El Divo de Juarez", "El Divo de America" and "El Ídolo de Multidudes".
Is considered as one of the most successful singers of latin America. -
Rectory Building of the National Autonomous University of Mexico
This building is the administrative center of the National University
It have three sculptural mural works made by David Alfaro Siqueiros. -
UNAM Central Library
It have a collage made of mosaic art.
Juan O’Gorman made it. -
Danzón N. 2
It was composed by Arturo Márquez.
The genre is orchestra.
It's a mix between melancholic atmospheres and South American rhythms.