charles v

  • Feb 24, 1500


    Charles V, the Holy Roman Empire, was born in County of Flanders
  • Sep 25, 1506

    Charles inherits land

    Charles V inherits the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg when he succeeded his father, Philip the Handsome, at age six.
  • Feb 24, 1515

    Charles comes of age

    When Charles came of age as duke of Burgundy in 1515, he took control of the Netherlands
  • Jan 23, 1516

    Charles gets MORE land

    When Ferdinand I died, he gave control of Aragon and Castile to Charles
  • Mar 14, 1516

    Charles gets EVEN MORE land

    Charles was crowned king of Brussels as Charles I of Aragon and Castile
  • Sep 1, 1517

    Charles goes to Spain

    Charles arrives in Spain to institute a government a little better than foreign rule, under Burgundian influence. He stayed there for two and a half years.
  • Mar 3, 1519

    Charles becomes king (again)

    Charles was elected king of Germany, succeeding his grandfather Emperor Maximilian I. This is what caused him to leave Spain and leave behind restless and dissatisfied people.
  • Oct 3, 1520

    He becomes H.R.E.

    Charles is officially crowned king of Germany in Aachen, also assuming the title of Holy Roman Emperor.
  • Mar 5, 1521

    Charles declares war?

    Before Martin Luther had to defend his doctrines, the imperial Diet got together in Worms. This was a challenge to him, seeing as Luther refused to recant his writings. Charles wrote up the Edict of Worms, rejected Luther's doctrines, and basically declared war on Protestantism.
  • May 9, 1522

    There's a new pope in town

    Charles's teacher, Adrian of Utrecht, becomes Pope Adrian VI. He tried to reconcile Francis I and Charles V but it didn't work.
  • May 9, 1525

    Charles defeats Francis

    Charles defeats Francis I at the battle of Povia. He takes the king prisoner and ensured Spanish supremacy in Italy.
  • Aug 9, 1542

    Charles has a son

    Charles's son, Philip, becomes the duchy of Milan.
  • Sep 21, 1558

    Charles dies

    Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, dies of malaria.