Central American independence

  • 1823 BCE

    Absolute Independence Of Central America

    Absolute Independence Of Central America
    The Declaration of absolute Independence of Central America was proclaimed on July 1, 1823, reunited in Guatemala City. The document founded the United Provinces of Central America and gave continuity to that of September 15, 1821, of the Act of Independence. The representatives of Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica, who arrived in Guatemala during the Constituent Assembly on July 1, did not attend. September, on October 2, the declaration was ratified
  • 1821 BCE

    consequences of the annexation of mexico

    consequences of the annexation of mexico
    It brought with it immediately the temporary annexation to Mexico, which reflected the fear and inability of the
    Central American criollos to meet, overnight, at the head of a territory
    Independent. That's why they desperately sought the protection of Iturbide and his
    Plan of Iguala
    that sought to establish a constitutional monarchy in Mexico. As a result of the
  • 1811 BCE

    independence movements of Central America

    independence movements of Central America
    The contempt of the peninsular Spaniards towards the criollos.
    · Political inequalities. Senior political, military and religious officials were
    reserved for peninsulares.
    · The neglect of colonial governments in social, economic and cultural matters; I dont know
    They worried about the inhabitants.
  • 1521

    colony (1521-1810)

    colony (1521-1810)
    After the dissatisfaction generated by the colones before the high taxes imposed by the crown, the war of independence began
  • External causes of Central American independence

    External causes of Central American independence
    1) The illustration
    2) The independence of the United States
    3) The French Revolution
    4) The independence of Haiti
    5) Invasion of Napoleon to Spain (1808)
    6) The independence processes of Mexico and South America
  • Immediate causes of Central American independence

    Immediate causes of Central American independence
    1) Criollos take advantage of crisis of authority in Spain and initiate independent movements but fail
    2) Independence movements of Indians and Mestizos in Mexico
  • Internal causes of Central American independence

    Internal causes of Central American independence
    1) the struggles between penisulares and criollos for controlling the political and economic power in the region
    2) the independence shoots of 1811 and 1814
  • mediate causes of Central American independence

    mediate causes of Central American independence
    1) The new laws of the King of Spain, The new scientific ideas disclosed by press freedom, the independence of the United States of America and the French Revolution caused great stir in the Spanish colonies.
    2) The church should no longer be linked to the government, the states should be governed by a Constitution and by three powers: Legislative, executive and judicial. All claimed the principle that human beings have the same right to freedom and equality
  • independence processes of Central America

    independence processes of Central America
    The objective of the first movements of the independence process was to sue Spain for the local automaca, but when this request was granted, the leaders decided to become independent once and for all.
  • Central American independence debate

    Central American independence debate
    the popular and real character of the political, economic and social independence of Central America with respect to Spain was distorted and mediated by the dominant groups of peninsulares and criollos of the Kingdom of Guatemala and its provinces. This resulted in a Declaration of Independence signed on September 15, 1821 that did not produce changes in political-administrative structures, but opened the way to full freedom.
  • Central American independence act

    Central American independence act
    that, of course, offices are circulated to the provinces, by extraordinary post, so that without delay they may proceed to elect Deputies or Representatives of theirs, and these come to this capital to form the Congress that must decide the point of Independence and fix, in if agreed, to the form of government and fundamental law that should govern.